2020-10-27 20:14:29 +09:00

112 lines
2.6 KiB

This repository includes:
- linux-brain, u-boot-brain and nkbin_maker as submodules
- Useful build targets in Makefile
- r3build.toml to watch changes that occur in submodules
Confirmed environments
- Debian 10 (buster) amd64
Getting Started
1. Install dependencies.
$ sudo apt install build-essential bison flex libncurses5-dev gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
1. Clone this repository with recursive clone enabled.
$ git clone --recursive
- If you've cloned it without `--recursive`, run following command:
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
1. Install uuu.
- Follow [the instruction]( and build `uuu` executable.
- Put `uuu` where the PATH executable points to.
Build and inject U-Boot
1. Run `make udefconfig` to generate `.config`.
2. Run `make ubuild` to build whole repository and generate ``.
- i.MX283 loads a packed U-Boot executable called ``.
3. To inject the executable into i.MX283 in recovery mode, run `make uuu`.
Build and make NK.bin
1. Run `make udefconfig` to generate `.config`.
2. Run `make ubuild` to build whole repository and generate `u-boot.bin`.
3. To make `nk.bin`, run `make nkbin`.
- nkbin_maker packs `u-boot.bin` into `nk.bin`.
Build Linux
1. Run `make ldefconfig` to generate `.config`.
1. Run `make lbuild` to generate `zImage`.
1. Confirm that `linux-brain/arch/arm/boot/zImage` exists.
Bootstrap Debian Buster
1. Partition an SD card into two partitions
- 1st: FAT32 (vfat), about 100MB
- 2st: ext4, fill remaining capacity
1. Run APT cache in background: `make aptcache`
1. Run `make debian`
1. Copy all contents in `./debian` into the 2nd partition in the card.
- `sudo cp -ar ./debian/* /path/to/your/sd/2nd/partition/`
- Please make sure that all attributes are preserved with `-a` flag
Watch changes in submodules & auto-build
1. Run `make setup-dev` to prepare a Python venv to watch code changes. Namely;
- Python 3 venv in `env`
- r3build command in the env
1. Run `r3build`. It'll detect the changes you make and builds the corresponding executable automatically.
What's r3build?
[r3build]( is a smart file watcher that aims to provide hot-reloading feature like Web frontend development.