# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # # Copyright 2017 Google, Inc # import contextlib import os import re import shutil import sys import tempfile import unittest from io import StringIO from patman import gitutil from patman import patchstream from patman import settings from patman import tools @contextlib.contextmanager def capture(): import sys oldout,olderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr try: out=[StringIO(), StringIO()] sys.stdout,sys.stderr = out yield out finally: sys.stdout,sys.stderr = oldout, olderr out[0] = out[0].getvalue() out[1] = out[1].getvalue() class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='patman.') def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) @staticmethod def GetPath(fname): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])), 'test', fname) @classmethod def GetText(self, fname): return open(self.GetPath(fname), encoding='utf-8').read() @classmethod def GetPatchName(self, subject): fname = re.sub('[ :]', '-', subject) return fname.replace('--', '-') def CreatePatchesForTest(self, series): cover_fname = None fname_list = [] for i, commit in enumerate(series.commits): clean_subject = self.GetPatchName(commit.subject) src_fname = '%04d-%s.patch' % (i + 1, clean_subject[:52]) fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, src_fname) shutil.copy(self.GetPath(src_fname), fname) fname_list.append(fname) if series.get('cover'): src_fname = '0000-cover-letter.patch' cover_fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, src_fname) fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, src_fname) shutil.copy(self.GetPath(src_fname), fname) return cover_fname, fname_list def testBasic(self): """Tests the basic flow of patman This creates a series from some hard-coded patches build from a simple tree with the following metadata in the top commit: Series-to: u-boot Series-prefix: RFC Series-cc: Stefan Brüns Cover-letter-cc: Lord Mëlchett Series-version: 3 Patch-cc: fred Series-process-log: sort, uniq Series-changes: 4 - Some changes - Multi line change Commit-changes: 2 - Changes only for this commit Cover-changes: 4 - Some notes for the cover letter Cover-letter: test: A test patch series This is a test of how the cover letter works END and this in the first commit: Commit-changes: 2 - second revision change Series-notes: some notes about some things from the first commit END Commit-notes: Some notes about the first commit END with the following commands: git log -n2 --reverse >/path/to/tools/patman/test/test01.txt git format-patch --subject-prefix RFC --cover-letter HEAD~2 mv 00* /path/to/tools/patman/test It checks these aspects: - git log can be processed by patchstream - emailing patches uses the correct command - CC file has information on each commit - cover letter has the expected text and subject - each patch has the correct subject - dry-run information prints out correctly - unicode is handled correctly - Series-to, Series-cc, Series-prefix, Cover-letter - Cover-letter-cc, Series-version, Series-changes, Series-notes - Commit-notes """ process_tags = True ignore_bad_tags = True stefan = b'Stefan Br\xc3\xbcns '.decode('utf-8') rick = 'Richard III ' mel = b'Lord M\xc3\xablchett '.decode('utf-8') ed = b'Lond Edmund Blackadd\xc3\xabr