#!/usr/bin/env python # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # Written by Simon Glass """Tests for cbfs_util These create and read various CBFSs and compare the results with expected values and with cbfstool """ from __future__ import print_function import io import os import shutil import struct import tempfile import unittest import cbfs_util from cbfs_util import CbfsWriter import elf import test_util import tools U_BOOT_DATA = b'1234' U_BOOT_DTB_DATA = b'udtb' COMPRESS_DATA = b'compress xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx data' class TestCbfs(unittest.TestCase): """Test of cbfs_util classes""" #pylint: disable=W0212 @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # Create a temporary directory for test files cls._indir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='cbfs_util.') tools.SetInputDirs([cls._indir]) # Set up some useful data files TestCbfs._make_input_file('u-boot.bin', U_BOOT_DATA) TestCbfs._make_input_file('u-boot.dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA) TestCbfs._make_input_file('compress', COMPRESS_DATA) # Set up a temporary output directory, used by the tools library when # compressing files tools.PrepareOutputDir(None) cls.have_cbfstool = True try: tools.Run('which', 'cbfstool') except: cls.have_cbfstool = False cls.have_lz4 = True try: tools.Run('lz4', '--no-frame-crc', '-c', tools.GetInputFilename('u-boot.bin')) except: cls.have_lz4 = False @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): """Remove the temporary input directory and its contents""" if cls._indir: shutil.rmtree(cls._indir) cls._indir = None tools.FinaliseOutputDir() @classmethod def _make_input_file(cls, fname, contents): """Create a new test input file, creating directories as needed Args: fname: Filename to create contents: File contents to write in to the file Returns: Full pathname of file created """ pathname = os.path.join(cls._indir, fname) tools.WriteFile(pathname, contents) return pathname def _check_hdr(self, data, size, offset=0, arch=cbfs_util.ARCHITECTURE_X86): """Check that the CBFS has the expected header Args: data: Data to check size: Expected ROM size offset: Expected offset to first CBFS file arch: Expected architecture Returns: CbfsReader object containing the CBFS """ cbfs = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data) self.assertEqual(cbfs_util.HEADER_MAGIC, cbfs.magic) self.assertEqual(cbfs_util.HEADER_VERSION2, cbfs.version) self.assertEqual(size, cbfs.rom_size) self.assertEqual(0, cbfs.boot_block_size) self.assertEqual(cbfs_util.ENTRY_ALIGN, cbfs.align) self.assertEqual(offset, cbfs.cbfs_offset) self.assertEqual(arch, cbfs.arch) return cbfs def _check_uboot(self, cbfs, ftype=cbfs_util.TYPE_RAW, offset=0x38, data=U_BOOT_DATA): """Check that the U-Boot file is as expected Args: cbfs: CbfsReader object to check ftype: Expected file type offset: Expected offset of file data: Expected data in file Returns: CbfsFile object containing the file """ self.assertIn('u-boot', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot'] self.assertEqual('u-boot', cfile.name) self.assertEqual(offset, cfile.offset) self.assertEqual(data, cfile.data) self.assertEqual(ftype, cfile.ftype) self.assertEqual(cbfs_util.COMPRESS_NONE, cfile.compress) self.assertEqual(len(data), cfile.memlen) return cfile def _check_dtb(self, cbfs, offset=0x38, data=U_BOOT_DTB_DATA): """Check that the U-Boot dtb file is as expected Args: cbfs: CbfsReader object to check offset: Expected offset of file data: Expected data in file """ self.assertIn('u-boot-dtb', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot-dtb'] self.assertEqual('u-boot-dtb', cfile.name) self.assertEqual(offset, cfile.offset) self.assertEqual(U_BOOT_DTB_DATA, cfile.data) self.assertEqual(cbfs_util.TYPE_RAW, cfile.ftype) self.assertEqual(cbfs_util.COMPRESS_NONE, cfile.compress) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DTB_DATA), cfile.memlen) def _check_raw(self, data, size, offset=0, arch=cbfs_util.ARCHITECTURE_X86): """Check that two raw files are added as expected Args: data: Data to check size: Expected ROM size offset: Expected offset to first CBFS file arch: Expected architecture """ cbfs = self._check_hdr(data, size, offset=offset, arch=arch) self._check_uboot(cbfs) self._check_dtb(cbfs) def _get_expected_cbfs(self, size, arch='x86', compress=None): """Get the file created by cbfstool for a particular scenario Args: size: Size of the CBFS in bytes arch: Architecture of the CBFS, as a string compress: Compression to use, e.g. cbfs_util.COMPRESS_LZMA Returns: Resulting CBFS file, or None if cbfstool is not available """ if not self.have_cbfstool or not self.have_lz4: return None cbfs_fname = os.path.join(self._indir, 'test.cbfs') cbfs_util.cbfstool(cbfs_fname, 'create', '-m', arch, '-s', '%#x' % size) cbfs_util.cbfstool(cbfs_fname, 'add', '-n', 'u-boot', '-t', 'raw', '-c', compress and compress[0] or 'none', '-f', tools.GetInputFilename( compress and 'compress' or 'u-boot.bin')) cbfs_util.cbfstool(cbfs_fname, 'add', '-n', 'u-boot-dtb', '-t', 'raw', '-c', compress and compress[1] or 'none', '-f', tools.GetInputFilename( compress and 'compress' or 'u-boot.dtb')) return cbfs_fname def _compare_expected_cbfs(self, data, cbfstool_fname): """Compare against what cbfstool creates This compares what binman creates with what cbfstool creates for what is proportedly the same thing. Args: data: CBFS created by binman cbfstool_fname: CBFS created by cbfstool """ if not self.have_cbfstool or not self.have_lz4: return expect = tools.ReadFile(cbfstool_fname) if expect != data: tools.WriteFile('/tmp/expect', expect) tools.WriteFile('/tmp/actual', data) print('diff -y <(xxd -g1 /tmp/expect) <(xxd -g1 /tmp/actual) | colordiff') self.fail('cbfstool produced a different result') def test_cbfs_functions(self): """Test global functions of cbfs_util""" self.assertEqual(cbfs_util.ARCHITECTURE_X86, cbfs_util.find_arch('x86')) self.assertIsNone(cbfs_util.find_arch('bad-arch')) self.assertEqual(cbfs_util.COMPRESS_LZMA, cbfs_util.find_compress('lzma')) self.assertIsNone(cbfs_util.find_compress('bad-comp')) def test_cbfstool_failure(self): """Test failure to run cbfstool""" if not self.have_cbfstool: self.skipTest('No cbfstool available') try: # In verbose mode this test fails since stderr is not captured. Fix # this by turning off verbosity. old_verbose = cbfs_util.VERBOSE cbfs_util.VERBOSE = False with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (_stdout, stderr): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: cbfs_util.cbfstool('missing-file', 'bad-command') finally: cbfs_util.VERBOSE = old_verbose self.assertIn('Unknown command', stderr.getvalue()) self.assertIn('Failed to run', str(e.exception)) def test_cbfs_raw(self): """Test base handling of a Coreboot Filesystem (CBFS)""" size = 0xb0 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot-dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA) data = cbw.get_data() self._check_raw(data, size) cbfs_fname = self._get_expected_cbfs(size=size) self._compare_expected_cbfs(data, cbfs_fname) def test_cbfs_invalid_file_type(self): """Check handling of an invalid file type when outputiing a CBFS""" size = 0xb0 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cfile = cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) # Change the type manually before generating the CBFS, and make sure # that the generator complains cfile.ftype = 0xff with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: cbw.get_data() self.assertIn('Unknown type 0xff when writing', str(e.exception)) def test_cbfs_invalid_file_type_on_read(self): """Check handling of an invalid file type when reading the CBFS""" size = 0xb0 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) data = cbw.get_data() # Read in the first file header cbr = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data, read=False) with io.BytesIO(data) as fd: self.assertTrue(cbr._find_and_read_header(fd, len(data))) pos = fd.tell() hdr_data = fd.read(cbfs_util.FILE_HEADER_LEN) magic, size, ftype, attr, offset = struct.unpack( cbfs_util.FILE_HEADER_FORMAT, hdr_data) # Create a new CBFS with a change to the file type ftype = 0xff newdata = data[:pos] newdata += struct.pack(cbfs_util.FILE_HEADER_FORMAT, magic, size, ftype, attr, offset) newdata += data[pos + cbfs_util.FILE_HEADER_LEN:] # Read in this CBFS and make sure that the reader complains with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: cbfs_util.CbfsReader(newdata) self.assertIn('Unknown type 0xff when reading', str(e.exception)) def test_cbfs_no_space(self): """Check handling of running out of space in the CBFS""" size = 0x60 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: cbw.get_data() self.assertIn('No space for header', str(e.exception)) def test_cbfs_no_space_skip(self): """Check handling of running out of space in CBFS with file header""" size = 0x5c cbw = CbfsWriter(size, arch=cbfs_util.ARCHITECTURE_PPC64) cbw._add_fileheader = True cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: cbw.get_data() self.assertIn('No space for data before offset', str(e.exception)) def test_cbfs_no_space_pad(self): """Check handling of running out of space in CBFS with file header""" size = 0x70 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw._add_fileheader = True cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: cbw.get_data() self.assertIn('No space for data before pad offset', str(e.exception)) def test_cbfs_bad_header_ptr(self): """Check handling of a bad master-header pointer""" size = 0x70 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) data = cbw.get_data() # Add one to the pointer to make it invalid newdata = data[:-4] + struct.pack('I', fd.read(4)) if tag == cbfs_util.FILE_ATTR_TAG_COMPRESSION: break # Create a new CBFS with the tag changed to something invalid newdata = data[:pos] + struct.pack('>I', 0x123) + data[pos + 4:] with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _stderr): cbfs_util.CbfsReader(newdata) self.assertEqual('Unknown attribute tag 123\n', stdout.getvalue()) def test_cbfs_missing_attribute(self): """Check handling of an incomplete attribute tag""" if not self.have_lz4: self.skipTest('lz4 --no-frame-crc not available') size = 0x140 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', COMPRESS_DATA, compress=cbfs_util.COMPRESS_LZ4) data = cbw.get_data() # Read in the CBFS master header (only), then stop cbr = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data, read=False) with io.BytesIO(data) as fd: self.assertTrue(cbr._find_and_read_header(fd, len(data))) pos = fd.tell() # Create a new CBFS with only the first 4 bytes of the compression tag, # then try to read the file tag_pos = pos + cbfs_util.FILE_HEADER_LEN + cbfs_util.FILENAME_ALIGN newdata = data[:tag_pos + 4] with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _stderr): with io.BytesIO(newdata) as fd: fd.seek(pos) self.assertEqual(False, cbr._read_next_file(fd)) self.assertIn('Attribute tag at %x ran out of data' % tag_pos, stdout.getvalue()) def test_cbfs_file_master_header(self): """Check handling of a file containing a master header""" size = 0x100 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw._add_fileheader = True cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) data = cbw.get_data() cbr = cbfs_util.CbfsReader(data) self.assertIn('u-boot', cbr.files) self.assertEqual(size, cbr.rom_size) def test_cbfs_arch(self): """Test on non-x86 architecture""" size = 0x100 cbw = CbfsWriter(size, arch=cbfs_util.ARCHITECTURE_PPC64) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot-dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA) data = cbw.get_data() self._check_raw(data, size, offset=0x40, arch=cbfs_util.ARCHITECTURE_PPC64) # Compare against what cbfstool creates cbfs_fname = self._get_expected_cbfs(size=size, arch='ppc64') self._compare_expected_cbfs(data, cbfs_fname) def test_cbfs_stage(self): """Tests handling of a Coreboot Filesystem (CBFS)""" if not elf.ELF_TOOLS: self.skipTest('Python elftools not available') elf_fname = os.path.join(self._indir, 'cbfs-stage.elf') elf.MakeElf(elf_fname, U_BOOT_DATA, U_BOOT_DTB_DATA) size = 0xb0 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw.add_file_stage('u-boot', tools.ReadFile(elf_fname)) data = cbw.get_data() cbfs = self._check_hdr(data, size) load = 0xfef20000 entry = load + 2 cfile = self._check_uboot(cbfs, cbfs_util.TYPE_STAGE, offset=0x28, data=U_BOOT_DATA + U_BOOT_DTB_DATA) self.assertEqual(entry, cfile.entry) self.assertEqual(load, cfile.load) self.assertEqual(len(U_BOOT_DATA) + len(U_BOOT_DTB_DATA), cfile.data_len) # Compare against what cbfstool creates if self.have_cbfstool: cbfs_fname = os.path.join(self._indir, 'test.cbfs') cbfs_util.cbfstool(cbfs_fname, 'create', '-m', 'x86', '-s', '%#x' % size) cbfs_util.cbfstool(cbfs_fname, 'add-stage', '-n', 'u-boot', '-f', elf_fname) self._compare_expected_cbfs(data, cbfs_fname) def test_cbfs_raw_compress(self): """Test base handling of compressing raw files""" if not self.have_lz4: self.skipTest('lz4 --no-frame-crc not available') size = 0x140 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', COMPRESS_DATA, compress=cbfs_util.COMPRESS_LZ4) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot-dtb', COMPRESS_DATA, compress=cbfs_util.COMPRESS_LZMA) data = cbw.get_data() cbfs = self._check_hdr(data, size) self.assertIn('u-boot', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot'] self.assertEqual(cfile.name, 'u-boot') self.assertEqual(cfile.offset, 56) self.assertEqual(cfile.data, COMPRESS_DATA) self.assertEqual(cfile.ftype, cbfs_util.TYPE_RAW) self.assertEqual(cfile.compress, cbfs_util.COMPRESS_LZ4) self.assertEqual(cfile.memlen, len(COMPRESS_DATA)) self.assertIn('u-boot-dtb', cbfs.files) cfile = cbfs.files['u-boot-dtb'] self.assertEqual(cfile.name, 'u-boot-dtb') self.assertEqual(cfile.offset, 56) self.assertEqual(cfile.data, COMPRESS_DATA) self.assertEqual(cfile.ftype, cbfs_util.TYPE_RAW) self.assertEqual(cfile.compress, cbfs_util.COMPRESS_LZMA) self.assertEqual(cfile.memlen, len(COMPRESS_DATA)) cbfs_fname = self._get_expected_cbfs(size=size, compress=['lz4', 'lzma']) self._compare_expected_cbfs(data, cbfs_fname) def test_cbfs_raw_space(self): """Test files with unused space in the CBFS""" size = 0xf0 cbw = CbfsWriter(size) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot', U_BOOT_DATA) cbw.add_file_raw('u-boot-dtb', U_BOOT_DTB_DATA) data = cbw.get_data() self._check_raw(data, size) cbfs_fname = self._get_expected_cbfs(size=size) self._compare_expected_cbfs(data, cbfs_fname) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()