# Copyright (c) 2015 Stephen Warren # Copyright (c) 2015-2016, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # Common logic to interact with U-Boot via the console. This class provides # the interface that tests use to execute U-Boot shell commands and wait for # their results. Sub-classes exist to perform board-type-specific setup # operations, such as spawning a sub-process for Sandbox, or attaching to the # serial console of real hardware. import multiplexed_log import os import pytest import re import sys # Regexes for text we expect U-Boot to send to the console. pattern_u_boot_spl_signon = re.compile('(U-Boot SPL \\d{4}\\.\\d{2}-[^\r\n]*)') pattern_u_boot_main_signon = re.compile('(U-Boot \\d{4}\\.\\d{2}-[^\r\n]*)') pattern_stop_autoboot_prompt = re.compile('Hit any key to stop autoboot: ') pattern_unknown_command = re.compile('Unknown command \'.*\' - try \'help\'') pattern_error_notification = re.compile('## Error: ') class ConsoleDisableCheck(object): '''Context manager (for Python's with statement) that temporarily disables the specified console output error check. This is useful when deliberately executing a command that is known to trigger one of the error checks, in order to test that the error condition is actually raised. This class is used internally by ConsoleBase::disable_check(); it is not intended for direct usage.''' def __init__(self, console, check_type): self.console = console self.check_type = check_type def __enter__(self): self.console.disable_check_count[self.check_type] += 1 def __exit__(self, extype, value, traceback): self.console.disable_check_count[self.check_type] -= 1 class ConsoleBase(object): '''The interface through which test functions interact with the U-Boot console. This primarily involves executing shell commands, capturing their results, and checking for common error conditions. Some common utilities are also provided too.''' def __init__(self, log, config, max_fifo_fill): '''Initialize a U-Boot console connection. Can only usefully be called by sub-classes. Args: log: A mulptiplex_log.Logfile object, to which the U-Boot output will be logged. config: A configuration data structure, as built by conftest.py. max_fifo_fill: The maximum number of characters to send to U-Boot command-line before waiting for U-Boot to echo the characters back. For UART-based HW without HW flow control, this value should be set less than the UART RX FIFO size to avoid overflow, assuming that U-Boot can't keep up with full-rate traffic at the baud rate. Returns: Nothing. ''' self.log = log self.config = config self.max_fifo_fill = max_fifo_fill self.logstream = self.log.get_stream('console', sys.stdout) # Array slice removes leading/trailing quotes self.prompt = self.config.buildconfig['config_sys_prompt'][1:-1] self.prompt_escaped = re.escape(self.prompt) self.p = None self.disable_check_count = { 'spl_signon': 0, 'main_signon': 0, 'unknown_command': 0, 'error_notification': 0, } self.at_prompt = False self.at_prompt_logevt = None self.ram_base = None def close(self): '''Terminate the connection to the U-Boot console. This function is only useful once all interaction with U-Boot is complete. Once this function is called, data cannot be sent to or received from U-Boot. Args: None. Returns: Nothing. ''' if self.p: self.p.close() self.logstream.close() def run_command(self, cmd, wait_for_echo=True, send_nl=True, wait_for_prompt=True): '''Execute a command via the U-Boot console. The command is always sent to U-Boot. U-Boot echoes any command back to its output, and this function typically waits for that to occur. The wait can be disabled by setting wait_for_echo=False, which is useful e.g. when sending CTRL-C to interrupt a long-running command such as "ums". Command execution is typically triggered by sending a newline character. This can be disabled by setting send_nl=False, which is also useful when sending CTRL-C. This function typically waits for the command to finish executing, and returns the console output that it generated. This can be disabled by setting wait_for_prompt=False, which is useful when invoking a long- running command such as "ums". Args: cmd: The command to send. wait_for_each: Boolean indicating whether to wait for U-Boot to echo the command text back to its output. send_nl: Boolean indicating whether to send a newline character after the command string. wait_for_prompt: Boolean indicating whether to wait for the command prompt to be sent by U-Boot. This typically occurs immediately after the command has been executed. Returns: If wait_for_prompt == False: Nothing. Else: The output from U-Boot during command execution. In other words, the text U-Boot emitted between the point it echod the command string and emitted the subsequent command prompts. ''' if self.at_prompt and \ self.at_prompt_logevt != self.logstream.logfile.cur_evt: self.logstream.write(self.prompt, implicit=True) bad_patterns = [] bad_pattern_ids = [] if (self.disable_check_count['spl_signon'] == 0 and self.u_boot_spl_signon): bad_patterns.append(self.u_boot_spl_signon_escaped) bad_pattern_ids.append('SPL signon') if self.disable_check_count['main_signon'] == 0: bad_patterns.append(self.u_boot_main_signon_escaped) bad_pattern_ids.append('U-Boot main signon') if self.disable_check_count['unknown_command'] == 0: bad_patterns.append(pattern_unknown_command) bad_pattern_ids.append('Unknown command') if self.disable_check_count['error_notification'] == 0: bad_patterns.append(pattern_error_notification) bad_pattern_ids.append('Error notification') try: self.at_prompt = False if send_nl: cmd += '\n' while cmd: # Limit max outstanding data, so UART FIFOs don't overflow chunk = cmd[:self.max_fifo_fill] cmd = cmd[self.max_fifo_fill:] self.p.send(chunk) if not wait_for_echo: continue chunk = re.escape(chunk) chunk = chunk.replace('\\\n', '[\r\n]') m = self.p.expect([chunk] + bad_patterns) if m != 0: self.at_prompt = False raise Exception('Bad pattern found on console: ' + bad_pattern_ids[m - 1]) if not wait_for_prompt: return m = self.p.expect([self.prompt_escaped] + bad_patterns) if m != 0: self.at_prompt = False raise Exception('Bad pattern found on console: ' + bad_pattern_ids[m - 1]) self.at_prompt = True self.at_prompt_logevt = self.logstream.logfile.cur_evt # Only strip \r\n; space/TAB might be significant if testing # indentation. return self.p.before.strip('\r\n') except Exception as ex: self.log.error(str(ex)) self.cleanup_spawn() raise def ctrlc(self): '''Send a CTRL-C character to U-Boot. This is useful in order to stop execution of long-running synchronous commands such as "ums". Args: None. Returns: Nothing. ''' self.run_command(chr(3), wait_for_echo=False, send_nl=False) def ensure_spawned(self): '''Ensure a connection to a correctly running U-Boot instance. This may require spawning a new Sandbox process or resetting target hardware, as defined by the implementation sub-class. This is an internal function and should not be called directly. Args: None. Returns: Nothing. ''' if self.p: return try: self.at_prompt = False self.log.action('Starting U-Boot') self.p = self.get_spawn() # Real targets can take a long time to scroll large amounts of # text if LCD is enabled. This value may need tweaking in the # future, possibly per-test to be optimal. This works for 'help' # on board 'seaboard'. self.p.timeout = 30000 self.p.logfile_read = self.logstream if self.config.buildconfig.get('CONFIG_SPL', False) == 'y': self.p.expect([pattern_u_boot_spl_signon]) self.u_boot_spl_signon = self.p.after self.u_boot_spl_signon_escaped = re.escape(self.p.after) else: self.u_boot_spl_signon = None self.p.expect([pattern_u_boot_main_signon]) self.u_boot_main_signon = self.p.after self.u_boot_main_signon_escaped = re.escape(self.p.after) build_idx = self.u_boot_main_signon.find(', Build:') if build_idx == -1: self.u_boot_version_string = self.u_boot_main_signon else: self.u_boot_version_string = self.u_boot_main_signon[:build_idx] while True: match = self.p.expect([self.prompt_escaped, pattern_stop_autoboot_prompt]) if match == 1: self.p.send(chr(3)) # CTRL-C continue break self.at_prompt = True self.at_prompt_logevt = self.logstream.logfile.cur_evt except Exception as ex: self.log.error(str(ex)) self.cleanup_spawn() raise def cleanup_spawn(self): '''Shut down all interaction with the U-Boot instance. This is used when an error is detected prior to re-establishing a connection with a fresh U-Boot instance. This is an internal function and should not be called directly. Args: None. Returns: Nothing. ''' try: if self.p: self.p.close() except: pass self.p = None def validate_version_string_in_text(self, text): '''Assert that a command's output includes the U-Boot signon message. This is primarily useful for validating the "version" command without duplicating the signon text regex in a test function. Args: text: The command output text to check. Returns: Nothing. An exception is raised if the validation fails. ''' assert(self.u_boot_version_string in text) def disable_check(self, check_type): '''Temporarily disable an error check of U-Boot's output. Create a new context manager (for use with the "with" statement) which temporarily disables a particular console output error check. Args: check_type: The type of error-check to disable. Valid values may be found in self.disable_check_count above. Returns: A context manager object. ''' return ConsoleDisableCheck(self, check_type) def find_ram_base(self): '''Find the running U-Boot's RAM location. Probe the running U-Boot to determine the address of the first bank of RAM. This is useful for tests that test reading/writing RAM, or load/save files that aren't associated with some standard address typically represented in an environment variable such as ${kernel_addr_r}. The value is cached so that it only needs to be actively read once. Args: None. Returns: The address of U-Boot's first RAM bank, as an integer. ''' if self.config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_bdi', 'n') != 'y': pytest.skip('bdinfo command not supported') if self.ram_base == -1: pytest.skip('Previously failed to find RAM bank start') if self.ram_base is not None: return self.ram_base with self.log.section('find_ram_base'): response = self.run_command('bdinfo') for l in response.split('\n'): if '-> start' in l: self.ram_base = int(l.split('=')[1].strip(), 16) break if self.ram_base is None: self.ram_base = -1 raise Exception('Failed to find RAM bank start in `bdinfo`') return self.ram_base