#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. # """Tests for the dtb_platdata module This includes unit tests for some functions and functional tests for the dtoc tool. """ import collections import copy import glob import os import struct import unittest from dtb_platdata import get_value from dtb_platdata import tab_to from dtoc import dtb_platdata from dtoc import fdt from dtoc import fdt_util from dtoc import src_scan from dtoc.src_scan import conv_name_to_c from dtoc.src_scan import get_compat_name from patman import test_util from patman import tools OUR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) HEADER = '''/* * DO NOT MODIFY * * Defines the structs used to hold devicetree data. * This was generated by dtoc from a .dtb (device tree binary) file. */ #include #include ''' C_HEADER = '''/* * DO NOT MODIFY * * Declares the U_BOOT_DRIVER() records and platform data. * This was generated by dtoc from a .dtb (device tree binary) file. */ /* Allow use of U_BOOT_DRVINFO() in this file */ #define DT_PLAT_C #include #include #include ''' # Scanner saved from a previous run of the tests (to speed things up) saved_scan = None # This is a test so is allowed to access private things in the module it is # testing # pylint: disable=W0212 def get_dtb_file(dts_fname, capture_stderr=False): """Compile a .dts file to a .dtb Args: dts_fname (str): Filename of .dts file in the current directory capture_stderr (bool): True to capture and discard stderr output Returns: str: Filename of compiled file in output directory """ return fdt_util.EnsureCompiled(os.path.join(OUR_PATH, 'test', dts_fname), capture_stderr=capture_stderr) def setup(): global saved_scan # Disable warnings so that calls to get_normalized_compat_name() will not # output things. saved_scan = src_scan.Scanner(None, True, False) saved_scan.scan_drivers() def copy_scan(): """Get a copy of saved_scan so that each test can start clean""" return copy.deepcopy(saved_scan) class TestDtoc(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for dtoc""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): tools.PrepareOutputDir(None) cls.maxDiff = None @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): tools.FinaliseOutputDir() @staticmethod def _write_python_string(fname, data): """Write a string with tabs expanded as done in this Python file Args: fname (str): Filename to write to data (str): Raw string to convert """ data = data.replace('\t', '\\t') with open(fname, 'w') as fout: fout.write(data) def _check_strings(self, expected, actual): """Check that a string matches its expected value If the strings do not match, they are written to the /tmp directory in the same Python format as is used here in the test. This allows for easy comparison and update of the tests. Args: expected (str): Expected string actual (str): Actual string """ if expected != actual: self._write_python_string('/tmp/binman.expected', expected) self._write_python_string('/tmp/binman.actual', actual) print('Failures written to /tmp/binman.{expected,actual}') self.assertEqual(expected, actual) @staticmethod def run_test(args, dtb_file, output, instantiate=False): """Run a test using dtoc Args: args (list of str): List of arguments for dtoc dtb_file (str): Filename of .dtb file output (str): Filename of output file Returns: DtbPlatdata object """ # Make a copy of the 'scan' object, since it includes uclasses and # drivers, which get updated during execution. return dtb_platdata.run_steps( args, dtb_file, False, output, [], None, instantiate, warning_disabled=True, scan=copy_scan()) def test_name(self): """Test conversion of device tree names to C identifiers""" self.assertEqual('serial_at_0x12', conv_name_to_c('serial@0x12')) self.assertEqual('vendor_clock_frequency', conv_name_to_c('vendor,clock-frequency')) self.assertEqual('rockchip_rk3399_sdhci_5_1', conv_name_to_c('rockchip,rk3399-sdhci-5.1')) def test_tab_to(self): """Test operation of tab_to() function""" self.assertEqual('fred ', tab_to(0, 'fred')) self.assertEqual('fred\t', tab_to(1, 'fred')) self.assertEqual('fred was here ', tab_to(1, 'fred was here')) self.assertEqual('fred was here\t\t', tab_to(3, 'fred was here')) self.assertEqual('exactly8 ', tab_to(1, 'exactly8')) self.assertEqual('exactly8\t', tab_to(2, 'exactly8')) def test_get_value(self): """Test operation of get_value() function""" self.assertEqual('0x45', get_value(fdt.Type.INT, struct.pack('>I', 0x45))) self.assertEqual('0x45', get_value(fdt.Type.BYTE, struct.pack('I', 0x45))) self.assertEqual('"test"', get_value(fdt.Type.STRING, 'test')) self.assertEqual('true', get_value(fdt.Type.BOOL, None)) def test_get_compat_name(self): """Test operation of get_compat_name() function""" Prop = collections.namedtuple('Prop', ['value']) Node = collections.namedtuple('Node', ['props']) prop = Prop(['rockchip,rk3399-sdhci-5.1', 'arasan,sdhci-5.1']) node = Node({'compatible': prop}) self.assertEqual((['rockchip_rk3399_sdhci_5_1', 'arasan_sdhci_5_1']), get_compat_name(node)) prop = Prop(['rockchip,rk3399-sdhci-5.1']) node = Node({'compatible': prop}) self.assertEqual((['rockchip_rk3399_sdhci_5_1']), get_compat_name(node)) prop = Prop(['rockchip,rk3399-sdhci-5.1', 'arasan,sdhci-5.1', 'third']) node = Node({'compatible': prop}) self.assertEqual((['rockchip_rk3399_sdhci_5_1', 'arasan_sdhci_5_1', 'third']), get_compat_name(node)) def test_empty_file(self): """Test output from a device tree file with no nodes""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_empty.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') # Run this one without saved_scan to complete test coverage dtb_platdata.run_steps(['struct'], dtb_file, False, output, [], None, False) with open(output) as infile: lines = infile.read().splitlines() self.assertEqual(HEADER.splitlines(), lines) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: lines = infile.read().splitlines() self.assertEqual(C_HEADER.splitlines() + [''], lines) struct_text = HEADER + ''' struct dtd_sandbox_i2c { }; struct dtd_sandbox_pmic { \tbool\t\tlow_power; \tfdt64_t\t\treg[2]; }; struct dtd_sandbox_spl_test { \tconst char * acpi_name; \tbool\t\tboolval; \tunsigned char\tbytearray[3]; \tunsigned char\tbyteval; \tfdt32_t\t\tintarray[4]; \tfdt32_t\t\tintval; \tunsigned char\tlongbytearray[9]; \tunsigned char\tnotstring[5]; \tconst char *\tstringarray[3]; \tconst char *\tstringval; }; ''' platdata_text = C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /i2c@0 index 0 */ static struct dtd_sandbox_i2c dtv_i2c_at_0 = { }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(i2c_at_0) = { \t.name\t\t= "sandbox_i2c", \t.plat\t= &dtv_i2c_at_0, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_i2c_at_0), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /i2c@0/pmic@9 index 1 */ static struct dtd_sandbox_pmic dtv_pmic_at_9 = { \t.low_power\t\t= true, \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x9, 0x0}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(pmic_at_9) = { \t.name\t\t= "sandbox_pmic", \t.plat\t= &dtv_pmic_at_9, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_pmic_at_9), \t.parent_idx\t= 0, }; /* Node /spl-test index 2 */ static struct dtd_sandbox_spl_test dtv_spl_test = { \t.boolval\t\t= true, \t.bytearray\t\t= {0x6, 0x0, 0x0}, \t.byteval\t\t= 0x5, \t.intarray\t\t= {0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x0}, \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x1, \t.longbytearray\t\t= {0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0x10, \t\t0x11}, \t.notstring\t\t= {0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x10, 0x0}, \t.stringarray\t\t= {"multi-word", "message", ""}, \t.stringval\t\t= "message", }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(spl_test) = { \t.name\t\t= "sandbox_spl_test", \t.plat\t= &dtv_spl_test, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_spl_test), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /spl-test2 index 3 */ static struct dtd_sandbox_spl_test dtv_spl_test2 = { \t.acpi_name\t\t= "\\\\_SB.GPO0", \t.bytearray\t\t= {0x1, 0x23, 0x34}, \t.byteval\t\t= 0x8, \t.intarray\t\t= {0x5, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x3, \t.longbytearray\t\t= {0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, \t\t0x0}, \t.stringarray\t\t= {"another", "multi-word", "message"}, \t.stringval\t\t= "message2", }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(spl_test2) = { \t.name\t\t= "sandbox_spl_test", \t.plat\t= &dtv_spl_test2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_spl_test2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /spl-test3 index 4 */ static struct dtd_sandbox_spl_test dtv_spl_test3 = { \t.longbytearray\t\t= {0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf, 0x10, \t\t0x0}, \t.stringarray\t\t= {"one", "", ""}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(spl_test3) = { \t.name\t\t= "sandbox_spl_test", \t.plat\t= &dtv_spl_test3, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_spl_test3), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''' def test_simple(self): """Test output from some simple nodes with various types of data""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_simple.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(self.struct_text, data) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(self.platdata_text, data) # Try the 'all' command self.run_test(['all'], dtb_file, output) data = tools.ReadFile(output, binary=False) self._check_strings(self.platdata_text + self.struct_text, data) def test_driver_alias(self): """Test output from a device tree file with a driver alias""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_driver_alias.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_sandbox_gpio { \tconst char *\tgpio_bank_name; \tbool\t\tgpio_controller; \tfdt32_t\t\tsandbox_gpio_count; }; ''', data) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /gpios@0 index 0 */ static struct dtd_sandbox_gpio dtv_gpios_at_0 = { \t.gpio_bank_name\t\t= "a", \t.gpio_controller\t= true, \t.sandbox_gpio_count\t= 0x14, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(gpios_at_0) = { \t.name\t\t= "sandbox_gpio", \t.plat\t= &dtv_gpios_at_0, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_gpios_at_0), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_invalid_driver(self): """Test output from a device tree file with an invalid driver""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_invalid_driver.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with test_util.capture_sys_output() as _: dtb_platdata.run_steps( ['struct'], dtb_file, False, output, [], None, False, scan=copy_scan()) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_invalid { }; ''', data) with test_util.capture_sys_output() as _: dtb_platdata.run_steps( ['platdata'], dtb_file, False, output, [], None, False, scan=copy_scan()) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /spl-test index 0 */ static struct dtd_invalid dtv_spl_test = { }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(spl_test) = { \t.name\t\t= "invalid", \t.plat\t= &dtv_spl_test, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_spl_test), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_phandle(self): """Test output from a node containing a phandle reference""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_phandle.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_source { \tstruct phandle_2_arg clocks[4]; }; struct dtd_target { \tfdt32_t\t\tintval; }; ''', data) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /phandle2-target index 0 */ static struct dtd_target dtv_phandle2_target = { \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x1, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle2_target) = { \t.name\t\t= "target", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle2_target, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle2_target), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle3-target index 1 */ static struct dtd_target dtv_phandle3_target = { \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x2, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle3_target) = { \t.name\t\t= "target", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle3_target, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle3_target), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle-source index 2 */ static struct dtd_source dtv_phandle_source = { \t.clocks\t\t\t= { \t\t\t{4, {}}, \t\t\t{0, {11}}, \t\t\t{1, {12, 13}}, \t\t\t{4, {}},}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle_source) = { \t.name\t\t= "source", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle_source, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle_source), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle-source2 index 3 */ static struct dtd_source dtv_phandle_source2 = { \t.clocks\t\t\t= { \t\t\t{4, {}},}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle_source2) = { \t.name\t\t= "source", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle_source2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle_source2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle-target index 4 */ static struct dtd_target dtv_phandle_target = { \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x0, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle_target) = { \t.name\t\t= "target", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle_target, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle_target), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_phandle_single(self): """Test output from a node containing a phandle reference""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_phandle_single.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_source { \tstruct phandle_0_arg clocks[1]; }; struct dtd_target { \tfdt32_t\t\tintval; }; ''', data) def test_phandle_reorder(self): """Test that phandle targets are generated before their references""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_phandle_reorder.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /phandle-source2 index 0 */ static struct dtd_source dtv_phandle_source2 = { \t.clocks\t\t\t= { \t\t\t{1, {}},}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle_source2) = { \t.name\t\t= "source", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle_source2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle_source2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle-target index 1 */ static struct dtd_target dtv_phandle_target = { }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle_target) = { \t.name\t\t= "target", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle_target, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle_target), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_phandle_cd_gpio(self): """Test that phandle targets are generated when unsing cd-gpios""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_phandle_cd_gpios.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') dtb_platdata.run_steps( ['platdata'], dtb_file, False, output, [], None, False, warning_disabled=True, scan=copy_scan()) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /phandle2-target index 0 */ static struct dtd_target dtv_phandle2_target = { \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x1, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle2_target) = { \t.name\t\t= "target", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle2_target, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle2_target), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle3-target index 1 */ static struct dtd_target dtv_phandle3_target = { \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x2, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle3_target) = { \t.name\t\t= "target", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle3_target, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle3_target), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle-source index 2 */ static struct dtd_source dtv_phandle_source = { \t.cd_gpios\t\t= { \t\t\t{4, {}}, \t\t\t{0, {11}}, \t\t\t{1, {12, 13}}, \t\t\t{4, {}},}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle_source) = { \t.name\t\t= "source", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle_source, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle_source), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle-source2 index 3 */ static struct dtd_source dtv_phandle_source2 = { \t.cd_gpios\t\t= { \t\t\t{4, {}},}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle_source2) = { \t.name\t\t= "source", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle_source2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle_source2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /phandle-target index 4 */ static struct dtd_target dtv_phandle_target = { \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x0, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(phandle_target) = { \t.name\t\t= "target", \t.plat\t= &dtv_phandle_target, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_phandle_target), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_phandle_bad(self): """Test a node containing an invalid phandle fails""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_phandle_bad.dts', capture_stderr=True) output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) self.assertIn("Cannot parse 'clocks' in node 'phandle-source'", str(exc.exception)) def test_phandle_bad2(self): """Test a phandle target missing its #*-cells property""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_phandle_bad2.dts', capture_stderr=True) output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) self.assertIn("Node 'phandle-target' has no cells property", str(exc.exception)) def test_addresses64(self): """Test output from a node with a 'reg' property with na=2, ns=2""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_addr64.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_test1 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[2]; }; struct dtd_test2 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[2]; }; struct dtd_test3 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[4]; }; ''', data) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /test1 index 0 */ static struct dtd_test1 dtv_test1 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x1234, 0x5678}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test1) = { \t.name\t\t= "test1", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test1, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test1), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /test2 index 1 */ static struct dtd_test2 dtv_test2 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x1234567890123456, 0x9876543210987654}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test2) = { \t.name\t\t= "test2", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /test3 index 2 */ static struct dtd_test3 dtv_test3 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x1234567890123456, 0x9876543210987654, 0x2, 0x3}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test3) = { \t.name\t\t= "test3", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test3, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test3), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_addresses32(self): """Test output from a node with a 'reg' property with na=1, ns=1""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_addr32.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_test1 { \tfdt32_t\t\treg[2]; }; struct dtd_test2 { \tfdt32_t\t\treg[4]; }; ''', data) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /test1 index 0 */ static struct dtd_test1 dtv_test1 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x1234, 0x5678}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test1) = { \t.name\t\t= "test1", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test1, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test1), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /test2 index 1 */ static struct dtd_test2 dtv_test2 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x12345678, 0x98765432, 0x2, 0x3}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test2) = { \t.name\t\t= "test2", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_addresses64_32(self): """Test output from a node with a 'reg' property with na=2, ns=1""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_addr64_32.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_test1 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[2]; }; struct dtd_test2 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[2]; }; struct dtd_test3 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[4]; }; ''', data) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /test1 index 0 */ static struct dtd_test1 dtv_test1 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x123400000000, 0x5678}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test1) = { \t.name\t\t= "test1", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test1, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test1), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /test2 index 1 */ static struct dtd_test2 dtv_test2 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x1234567890123456, 0x98765432}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test2) = { \t.name\t\t= "test2", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /test3 index 2 */ static struct dtd_test3 dtv_test3 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x1234567890123456, 0x98765432, 0x2, 0x3}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test3) = { \t.name\t\t= "test3", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test3, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test3), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_addresses32_64(self): """Test output from a node with a 'reg' property with na=1, ns=2""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_addr32_64.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_test1 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[2]; }; struct dtd_test2 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[2]; }; struct dtd_test3 { \tfdt64_t\t\treg[4]; }; ''', data) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /test1 index 0 */ static struct dtd_test1 dtv_test1 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x1234, 0x567800000000}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test1) = { \t.name\t\t= "test1", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test1, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test1), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /test2 index 1 */ static struct dtd_test2 dtv_test2 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x12345678, 0x9876543210987654}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test2) = { \t.name\t\t= "test2", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /test3 index 2 */ static struct dtd_test3 dtv_test3 = { \t.reg\t\t\t= {0x12345678, 0x9876543210987654, 0x2, 0x3}, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(test3) = { \t.name\t\t= "test3", \t.plat\t= &dtv_test3, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_test3), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_bad_reg(self): """Test that a reg property with an invalid type generates an error""" # Capture stderr since dtc will emit warnings for this file dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_bad_reg.dts', capture_stderr=True) output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) self.assertIn("Node 'spl-test' reg property is not an int", str(exc.exception)) def test_bad_reg2(self): """Test that a reg property with an invalid cell count is detected""" # Capture stderr since dtc will emit warnings for this file dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_bad_reg2.dts', capture_stderr=True) output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) self.assertIn( "Node 'spl-test' reg property has 3 cells which is not a multiple of na + ns = 1 + 1)", str(exc.exception)) def test_add_prop(self): """Test that a subequent node can add a new property to a struct""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_add_prop.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(HEADER + ''' struct dtd_sandbox_spl_test { \tfdt32_t\t\tintarray; \tfdt32_t\t\tintval; }; ''', data) self.run_test(['platdata'], dtb_file, output) with open(output) as infile: data = infile.read() self._check_strings(C_HEADER + ''' /* Node /spl-test index 0 */ static struct dtd_sandbox_spl_test dtv_spl_test = { \t.intval\t\t\t= 0x1, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(spl_test) = { \t.name\t\t= "sandbox_spl_test", \t.plat\t= &dtv_spl_test, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_spl_test), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; /* Node /spl-test2 index 1 */ static struct dtd_sandbox_spl_test dtv_spl_test2 = { \t.intarray\t\t= 0x5, }; U_BOOT_DRVINFO(spl_test2) = { \t.name\t\t= "sandbox_spl_test", \t.plat\t= &dtv_spl_test2, \t.plat_size\t= sizeof(dtv_spl_test2), \t.parent_idx\t= -1, }; ''', data) def test_stdout(self): """Test output to stdout""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_simple.dts') with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _): self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, None) self._check_strings(self.struct_text, stdout.getvalue()) def test_multi_to_file(self): """Test output of multiple pieces to a single file""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_simple.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') self.run_test(['all'], dtb_file, output) data = tools.ReadFile(output, binary=False) self._check_strings(self.platdata_text + self.struct_text, data) def test_no_command(self): """Test running dtoc without a command""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.run_test([], '', '') self.assertIn("Please specify a command: struct, platdata", str(exc.exception)) def test_bad_command(self): """Test running dtoc with an invalid command""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_simple.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: self.run_test(['invalid-cmd'], dtb_file, output, False) self.assertIn("Unknown command 'invalid-cmd': (use: platdata, struct)", str(exc.exception)) def test_output_conflict(self): """Test a conflict between and output dirs and output file""" with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: dtb_platdata.run_steps( ['all'], None, False, 'out', ['cdir'], None, False, warning_disabled=True, scan=copy_scan()) self.assertIn("Must specify either output or output_dirs, not both", str(exc.exception)) def test_output_dirs(self): """Test outputting files to a directory""" # Remove the directory so that files from other tests are not there tools._RemoveOutputDir() tools.PrepareOutputDir(None) # This should create the .dts and .dtb in the output directory dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_simple.dts') outdir = tools.GetOutputDir() fnames = glob.glob(outdir + '/*') self.assertEqual(2, len(fnames)) dtb_platdata.run_steps( ['all'], dtb_file, False, None, [outdir], None, False, warning_disabled=True, scan=copy_scan()) fnames = glob.glob(outdir + '/*') self.assertEqual(4, len(fnames)) leafs = set(os.path.basename(fname) for fname in fnames) self.assertEqual( {'dt-structs-gen.h', 'source.dts', 'dt-plat.c', 'source.dtb'}, leafs) def setup_process_test(self): """Set up a test of process_nodes() This uses saved_scan but returns a deep copy of it, so it is safe to modify it in these tests Returns: tuple: DtbPlatdata: object to test Scanner: scanner to use """ dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_simple.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') # Take a copy before messing with it scan = copy_scan() plat = dtb_platdata.DtbPlatdata(scan, dtb_file, False) plat.scan_dtb() plat.scan_tree(False) plat.prepare_nodes() return plat, scan def test_process_nodes(self): """Test processing nodes to add various info""" plat, scan = self.setup_process_test() plat.process_nodes(True) i2c_node = plat._fdt.GetNode('/i2c@0') pmic_node = plat._fdt.GetNode('/i2c@0/pmic@9') pmic = scan._drivers['sandbox_pmic'] i2c = scan._drivers['sandbox_i2c'] self.assertEqual('DM_DEVICE_REF(pmic_at_9)', pmic_node.dev_ref) self.assertEqual(pmic, pmic_node.driver) self.assertEqual(i2c_node, pmic_node.parent) self.assertEqual(i2c, pmic_node.parent_driver) # The pmic is the only child self.assertEqual(pmic_node.parent_seq, 0) self.assertEqual([pmic_node], i2c_node.child_devs) # Start and end of the list should be the child_head ref = '&DM_DEVICE_REF(i2c_at_0)->child_head' self.assertEqual( {-1: ref, 0: '&DM_DEVICE_REF(pmic_at_9)->sibling_node', 1: ref}, i2c_node.child_refs) def test_process_nodes_bad_parent(self): # Pretend that i2c has a parent (the pmic) and delete that driver plat, scan = self.setup_process_test() i2c_node = plat._fdt.GetNode('/i2c@0') pmic_node = plat._fdt.GetNode('/i2c@0/pmic@9') del scan._drivers['sandbox_pmic'] i2c_node.parent = pmic_node # Process twice, the second time to generate an exception plat.process_nodes(False) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: plat.process_nodes(True) self.assertIn( "Cannot parse/find parent driver 'sandbox_pmic' for 'sandbox_i2c", str(exc.exception)) def test_process_nodes_bad_node(self): plat, scan = self.setup_process_test() # Now remove the pmic driver del scan._drivers['sandbox_pmic'] # Process twice, the second time to generate an exception plat.process_nodes(False) with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: plat.process_nodes(True) self.assertIn("Cannot parse/find driver for 'sandbox_pmic", str(exc.exception)) def test_process_nodes_bad_uclass(self): plat, scan = self.setup_process_test() self.assertIn('UCLASS_I2C', scan._uclass) del scan._uclass['UCLASS_I2C'] with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: plat.process_nodes(True) self.assertIn("Cannot parse/find uclass 'UCLASS_I2C' for driver 'sandbox_i2c'", str(exc.exception)) def test_process_nodes_used(self): """Test processing nodes to add various info""" plat, scan = self.setup_process_test() plat.process_nodes(True) pmic = scan._drivers['sandbox_pmic'] self.assertTrue(pmic.used) gpio = scan._drivers['sandbox_gpio'] self.assertFalse(gpio.used) def test_alias_read(self): """Test obtaining aliases""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_inst.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') plat = self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) scan = plat._scan testfdt_node = plat._fdt.GetNode('/some-bus/test') test0_node = plat._fdt.GetNode('/some-bus/test0') self.assertIn('UCLASS_TEST_FDT', scan._uclass) uc = scan._uclass['UCLASS_TEST_FDT'] self.assertEqual({1: testfdt_node, 2: test0_node}, uc.alias_num_to_node) self.assertEqual({'/some-bus/test': 1, '/some-bus/test0': 2}, uc.alias_path_to_num) # Try adding an alias that doesn't exist self.assertFalse(scan.add_uclass_alias('fred', 3, None)) # Try adding an alias for a missing node self.assertIsNone(scan.add_uclass_alias('testfdt', 3, None)) def test_alias_read_bad(self): """Test invalid alias property name""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_alias_bad.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: plat = self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) self.assertIn("Cannot decode alias 'i2c4-'", str(exc.exception)) def test_alias_read_bad_path(self): """Test alias pointing to a non-existent node""" # This line may produce a warning, so capture it: # Warning (alias_paths): /aliases:i2c4: aliases property is not a valid # node (/does/not/exist) dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_alias_bad_path.dts', True) output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc: plat = self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) self.assertIn("Alias 'i2c4' path '/does/not/exist' not found", str(exc.exception)) def test_alias_read_bad_uclass(self): """Test alias for a uclass that doesn't exist""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_alias_bad_uc.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _): plat = self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) self.assertEqual("Could not find uclass for alias 'other1'", stdout.getvalue().strip()) def test_sequence(self): """Test assignment of sequence numnbers""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_inst.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') plat = self.run_test(['struct'], dtb_file, output) scan = plat._scan testfdt = plat._fdt.GetNode('/some-bus/test') self.assertEqual(1, testfdt.seq) i2c = plat._fdt.GetNode('/i2c') # For now this uclass is not compiled in, so no sequence is assigned self.assertEqual(4, i2c.seq) spl = plat._fdt.GetNode('/spl-test') self.assertEqual(0, spl.seq) def test_process_root(self): """Test assignment of sequence numnbers""" dtb_file = get_dtb_file('dtoc_test_simple.dts') output = tools.GetOutputFilename('output') # Take a copy before messing with it scan = copy_scan() plat = dtb_platdata.DtbPlatdata(scan, dtb_file, False) plat.scan_dtb() root = plat._fdt.GetRoot() plat.scan_tree(False) self.assertNotIn(root, plat._valid_nodes) plat.scan_tree(True) self.assertIn(root, plat._valid_nodes) self.assertEqual('root_driver', scan.get_normalized_compat_name(root)[0])