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* @file IxNpeMhSolicitedCbMgr.c
* @author Intel Corporation
* @date 18 Jan 2002
* @brief This file contains the implementation of the private API for the
* Solicited Callback Manager module.
* @par
* IXP400 SW Release version 2.0
* -- Copyright Notice --
* @par
* Copyright 2001-2005, Intel Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* @par
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* @par
* -- End of Copyright Notice --
# error "Error, IxNpeMhConfig_p.h should not be included before this definition."
* Put the system defined include files required.
* Put the user defined include files required.
#include "IxOsal.h"
#include "IxNpeMhMacros_p.h"
#include "IxNpeMhSolicitedCbMgr_p.h"
#include "IxNpeMhConfig_p.h"
* #defines and macros used in this file.
* Typedefs whose scope is limited to this file.
* @struct IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry
* @brief This structure is used to store the information associated with
* an entry in the callback list. This consists of the ID of the send
* message (which indicates the ID of the corresponding response message)
* and the callback function pointer itself.
typedef struct IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry
/** message ID */
IxNpeMhMessageId messageId;
/** callback function pointer */
IxNpeMhCallback callback;
/** pointer to next entry in the list */
struct IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry *next;
} IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry;
* @struct IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackList
* @brief This structure is used to maintain the list of response
* callbacks. The number of entries in this list will be variable, and
* they will be stored in a linked list fashion for ease of addition and
* removal. The entries themselves are statically allocated, and are
* organised into a "free" list and a "callback" list. Adding an entry
* means taking an entry from the "free" list and adding it to the
* "callback" list. Removing an entry means removing it from the
* "callback" list and returning it to the "free" list.
typedef struct
/** pointer to the head of the free list */
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry *freeHead;
/** pointer to the head of the callback list */
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry *callbackHead;
/** pointer to the tail of the callback list */
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry *callbackTail;
/** array of entries - the first entry is used as a dummy entry to */
/* avoid the scenario of having an empty list, hence '+ 1' */
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry entries[IX_NPEMH_MAX_CALLBACKS + 1];
} IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackList;
* @struct IxNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrStats
* @brief This structure is used to maintain statistics for the Solicited
* Callback Manager module.
typedef struct
UINT32 saves; /**< callback list saves */
UINT32 retrieves; /**< callback list retrieves */
} IxNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrStats;
* Variable declarations global to this file only. Externs are followed by
* static variables.
PRIVATE IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackList
PRIVATE IxNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrStats
* Extern function prototypes.
* Static function prototypes.
* Function definition: ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrInitialize
void ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrInitialize (void)
IxNpeMhNpeId npeId;
UINT32 localIndex;
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackList *list = NULL;
/* for each NPE ... */
for (npeId = 0; npeId < IX_NPEMH_NUM_NPES; npeId++)
/* initialise a pointer to the list for convenience */
list = &ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrCallbackLists[npeId];
/* for each entry in the list, after the dummy entry ... */
for (localIndex = 1; localIndex <= IX_NPEMH_MAX_CALLBACKS; localIndex++)
/* initialise the entry */
list->entries[localIndex].messageId = 0x00;
list->entries[localIndex].callback = NULL;
/* if this entry is before the last entry */
if (localIndex < IX_NPEMH_MAX_CALLBACKS)
/* chain this entry to the following entry */
list->entries[localIndex].next = &(list->entries[localIndex + 1]);
else /* this entry is the last entry */
/* the last entry isn't chained to anything */
list->entries[localIndex].next = NULL;
/* set the free list pointer to point to the first real entry */
/* (all real entries begin chained together on the free list) */
list->freeHead = &(list->entries[1]);
/* set the callback list pointers to point to the dummy entry */
/* (the callback list is initially empty) */
list->callbackHead = &(list->entries[0]);
list->callbackTail = &(list->entries[0]);
* Function definition: ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrCallbackSave
IX_STATUS ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrCallbackSave (
IxNpeMhNpeId npeId,
IxNpeMhMessageId solicitedMessageId,
IxNpeMhCallback solicitedCallback)
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackList *list = NULL;
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry *callbackEntry = NULL;
/* initialise a pointer to the list for convenience */
list = &ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrCallbackLists[npeId];
/* check to see if there are any entries in the free list */
if (list->freeHead == NULL)
IX_NPEMH_ERROR_REPORT ("Solicited callback list is full\n");
return IX_FAIL;
/* there is an entry in the free list we can use */
/* update statistical info */
/* remove a callback entry from the start of the free list */
callbackEntry = list->freeHead;
list->freeHead = callbackEntry->next;
/* fill in the callback entry with the new data */
callbackEntry->messageId = solicitedMessageId;
callbackEntry->callback = solicitedCallback;
/* the new callback entry will be added to the tail of the callback */
/* list, so it isn't chained to anything */
callbackEntry->next = NULL;
/* chain new callback entry to the last entry of the callback list */
list->callbackTail->next = callbackEntry;
list->callbackTail = callbackEntry;
return IX_SUCCESS;
* Function definition: ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrCallbackRetrieve
void ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrCallbackRetrieve (
IxNpeMhNpeId npeId,
IxNpeMhMessageId solicitedMessageId,
IxNpeMhCallback *solicitedCallback)
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackList *list = NULL;
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry *callbackEntry = NULL;
IxNpeMhSolicitedCallbackListEntry *previousEntry = NULL;
/* initialise a pointer to the list for convenience */
list = &ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrCallbackLists[npeId];
/* initialise the callback entry to the first entry of the callback */
/* list - we must skip over the dummy entry, which is the previous */
callbackEntry = list->callbackHead->next;
previousEntry = list->callbackHead;
/* traverse the callback list looking for an entry with a matching */
/* message ID. note we also save the previous entry's pointer to */
/* allow us to unchain the matching entry from the callback list */
while ((callbackEntry != NULL) &&
(callbackEntry->messageId != solicitedMessageId))
previousEntry = callbackEntry;
callbackEntry = callbackEntry->next;
/* if we didn't find a matching callback entry */
if (callbackEntry == NULL)
/* return a NULL callback in the outgoing parameter */
*solicitedCallback = NULL;
else /* we found a matching callback entry */
/* update statistical info */
/* return the callback in the outgoing parameter */
*solicitedCallback = callbackEntry->callback;
/* unchain callback entry by chaining previous entry to next */
previousEntry->next = callbackEntry->next;
/* if the callback entry is at the tail of the list */
if (list->callbackTail == callbackEntry)
/* update the tail of the callback list */
list->callbackTail = previousEntry;
/* re-initialise the callback entry */
callbackEntry->messageId = 0x00;
callbackEntry->callback = NULL;
/* add the callback entry to the start of the free list */
callbackEntry->next = list->freeHead;
list->freeHead = callbackEntry;
* Function definition: ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrShow
void ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrShow (
IxNpeMhNpeId npeId)
/* show the solicited callback list save counter */
IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Solicited callback list saves",
/* show the solicited callback list retrieve counter */
IX_NPEMH_SHOW ("Solicited callback list retrieves",
* Function definition: ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrShowReset
void ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrShowReset (
IxNpeMhNpeId npeId)
/* reset the solicited callback list save counter */
ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrStats[npeId].saves = 0;
/* reset the solicited callback list retrieve counter */
ixNpeMhSolicitedCbMgrStats[npeId].retrieves = 0;