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# Copyright (c) 2016 DENX Software Engineering GmbH
# Heiko Schocher <hs@denx.de>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
install tbot on your PC (linux only tested):
- get the source code:
$ git clone https://github.com/hsdenx/tbot.git
cd into the tbot directory.
- you need the for running tbot the python paramiko module, see:
paramiko is used for handling ssh sessions, and open filedescriptors
on a ssh connection. Tbot open a ssh connection to a "lab PC" and
opens on that connection 2 filehandles, one for control functions
and one for the connection to the boards console. May it is worth
to think about to open more filehandles and use them in tbot, but
thats a point in the Todo list ...
See [1] for more infos about tbot principles.
- prepare a directory for storing the logfiles
and pass it with the commandline option "-l"
to tbot. Default is the directory "log" in the tbot
root (don;t forget to create it, if you want to use it)
- If your VL is not yet in tbot source, integrate it
(This task has only to be done once for your VL):
A VL has, as described in [2] "necessary tasks for a Lab PC" explained,
3 tasks:
a) power on/off the board
b) get power state of the board
c) connect to the boards console
As tbot sends only shell commands (also to the Lab PC)
this tasks must be executable through shell commands on your
Lab PC:
Task a) power on/off board:
default TC for this task is:
- now copy this file to for example
cp src/tc/tc_lab_denx_power.py src/tc/tc_lab_denx_power_XXX.py
(replace XXX to a proper value)
and adapt the "remote_power" command from the denx lab to your needs.
As this TC powers on the board for all your boards in your VL,
you can differ between the boards through the tbot class
variable "tb.boardlabpowername" (which is in the default case the
same as "tb.boardname"), but you may need to name the power target
with an other name than boardname, so you can configure this case.
The power state "tb.power_state" which the TC has to set
is "on" for power on, or "off" for power off.
If switching on the power is successful, call "tb.end_tc(True)"
else "tb.end_tc(False)"
- set in your board config file:
self.tc_lab_denx_power_tc = 'tc_lab_denx_power_XXX.py'
Task b) power on/off board:
default TC for this task is:
- now copy this file to for example
(replace XXX to a proper value)
cp src/tc/tc_lab_denx_get_power_state.py src/tc/tc_lab_denx_get_power_state_XXX.py
and adapt the commands to your needs.
If the power of the board is on, call "tb.end_tc(True)"
else "tb.end_tc(False)"
- set in your board config file:
self.tc_lab_denx_get_power_state_tc = 'tc_lab_denx_get_power_state_XXX.py'
Task c) connect to the boards console:
default TC for this task is:
- now copy this file to for example
(replace XXX to a proper value)
cp src/tc/tc_lab_denx_connect_to_board.py src/tc/tc_lab_denx_connect_to_board_XXX.py
and adapt the commands to your needs.
As this TC powers on the board for all your boards in your VL,
you can differ between the boards through the tbot class
variable "tb.boardlabname" (which is in the default case the
same as "tb.boardname"), but you may need to name the power target
with an other name than boardname, so you can configure this case.
If connect fails end this TC with "tb.end_tc(False)"
else call "tb.end_tc(True)"
If you want to use kermit for connecting to the boards console, you
can use:
Example for such a board in the VL from denx:
self.tc_lab_denx_connect_to_board_tc = 'tc_workfd_connect_with_kermit.py'
Hopefully this works for you too.
- set in your board config file:
self.tc_lab_denx_connect_to_board_tc = 'tc_lab_denx_connect_to_board_XXX.py'
remarks while writting this:
- Currently there is only the denx VL. Original idea was to include
other VL through a seperate class/file in
but it turned out, that if we say "ssh" is the standard way to connect
to a VL, we can integrate the VL specific tasks through testcases, see
above, so we should do:
- rename the "denx" API to a more general name.
This is a point on my ToDo list ... done, renamed to 'ssh_std'
- the VL specific configuration may moved from the board config files
and should be collected in VL specific config files, which boards
config file simple include.
- prepare password.py file:
This file contains all passwords tbot needs (for example for
linux login on the boards)
tbot searches this file in the tbot root directory.
It is a simple python file, for example:
# passwords for the lab
if (board == 'lab'):
if (user == 'hs'):
password = 'passwordforuserhs'
if (user == 'root'):
password = 'passwordforrootuser'
# passwords for the boards
elif (board == 'mcx'):
if (user == 'root'):
password = 'passwordformcxrootfs'
if (user == 'root'):
password = ''
In the above example passwords for logging into the Lab PC tbot finds
if (board == 'lab'):
user = 'name':
password = 'gnlmpf' # password 'gnlmpf' for login of user 'name'
- prepare board config file
Each board which is found in the VL needs a tbot configuration file
pass the config file name with the option '-c' to tbot, tbot searches
in the root dir for them.
board Example (dxr2 board):
Necessary variables:
line 3: boardname, here it is the "etamin" board
no default value, must be set.
line 4: boardlabname: name used for connecting to the board
may differ from tb.boardname, default tb.boardname
line 5: boardlabpowername: name used for power on/off
may differ from tb.boardname, default tb.boardname
line 6: tftpboardname: name used for tftp subdir (from where
U-Boot loads images for example).
may differ from tb.boardname, default tb.boardname
line 7: labprompt: linux prompt tbot sets
no defaultvalue, must be set (maybe we should introduce
"ttbott" as default ...
line 8: debug: If True, adds debug output on the tbot shell
line 9: debugstatus: enable status debug output on the shell
line 10: ip: Where tbot finds the Lab PC
line 11: user: As which user does tbot logs into the Lab PC
line 12: accept_all: passed to paramiko, accept all connections
line 13: keepalivetimout: passed to paramiko, timeout for sending
keepalive message.
line 14: channel_timeout: passed to paramiko
line 15: loglevel: tbots loglevel for adding entries into the logfile.
line 16: lap_api: used lap API (currently only 'ssh_std')
Should be declared as standard -> this line would be not needed
line 17: wdt_timeout: timeout in seconds for tbots watchdog.
Watchdog gets triggered if prompt get read.
line 20,21: include 'ssh_std' api
should be removed.
line 24: tc_lab_denx_connect_to_board_tc: Which TC is used for
connecting to the boards console the TC, here:
line 27: uboot_prompt: boards U-Boot prompt
line 28: linux_prompt: boards linux prompt
Now comes a list of variables TC needs, this vary from which TC
you start on the board.
Thats it ... you now can call tbot and hopefully, it works ;-)
Find an example log [3] for calling simple U-Boot TC for setting
an U-Boot Environmentvariable.
If you have problems in setting tbot up, please contact me
(and may give me ssh access to your Lab PC ;-)
If you have running your first TC [3], you may want to write now your own
TC (and hopefully share them), so continue with:
Heiko Schocher <hs@denx.de>
v1 2016.01.22
[1] tbot Dokumentation:
[2] u-boot:/tools/tbot/README
[3] Example for a first U-Boot TC which should always work:
(with commandline option "-v" for verbose output):
hs@localhost:tbot [master] $ python2.7 src/common/tbot.py -c tbot_dxr2.cfg -t tc_ub_setenv.py -v -l log/tbot.log
**** option cfg: tbot_dxr2.cfg log: log/tbot.log tc: tc_ub_setenv.py v 1
('CUR WORK PATH: ', '/home/hs/data/Entwicklung/tbot')
('CFGFILE ', 'tbot_dxr2.cfg')
('LOGFILE ', '/home/hs/data/Entwicklung/tbot/log/tbot.log')
(<denx.tbot_lab_api object at 0x7f53ac1808d0>, <tbotlib.tbot object at 0x7f53a45fd410>, True)
(<denx.tbot_lab_api object at 0x7f53ac1808d0>, <tbotlib.tbot object at 0x7f53a45fd410>, True)
read 0: Last login: Fri Jan 22 12:20:12 2016 from
read 0:
read 0: *************************************************************
read 0: BDI2000 Assignment: (last updated: 2015-11-20 12:30 MET)
read 0: bdi1 => techem bdi2 => cetec_mx25 bdi3 => lpc3250
read 0: bdi4 => - bdi5 => --Rev.B!-- bdi6 => tqm5200s
read 0: bdi7 => [stefano] bdi8 => smartweb bdi9 => sigmatek-nand
read 0: bdi10 => pcm052 bdi11 => socrates bdi12 => aristainetos
read 0: bdi13 => imx53 bdi14 => ib8315 bdi15 => cairo
read 0: bdi16 => g2c1 bdi17 => lwe090 bdi18 => symphony
read 0: bdi19 => dxr2 bdi20 => ima3-mx6 bdi21 => sama5d3
read 0: bdi98 => - bdi99 => - bdi0 => -
read 0: Please power off unused systems when you leave! Thanks, wd.
read 0: *************************************************************
read no ret 0:
pollux:~ hs $
write 0: export PS1="\u@\h [\$(date +%k:%M:%S)] ttbott >"
read 0: export PS1="\u@\h [\$(date +%k:%M:%S)] ttbott >"
read 0: hs@pollux [12:21:00] ttbott >
read 1: Last login: Fri Jan 22 12:20:59 2016 from
read 1:
read 1: *************************************************************
read 1: BDI2000 Assignment: (last updated: 2015-11-20 12:30 MET)
read 1: bdi1 => techem bdi2 => cetec_mx25 bdi3 => lpc3250
read 1: bdi4 => - bdi5 => --Rev.B!-- bdi6 => tqm5200s
read 1: bdi7 => [stefano] bdi8 => smartweb bdi9 => sigmatek-nand
read 1: bdi10 => pcm052 bdi11 => socrates bdi12 => aristainetos
read 1: bdi13 => imx53 bdi14 => ib8315 bdi15 => cairo
read 1: bdi16 => g2c1 bdi17 => lwe090 bdi18 => symphony
read 1: bdi19 => dxr2 bdi20 => ima3-mx6 bdi21 => sama5d3
read 1: bdi98 => - bdi99 => - bdi0 => -
read 1: Please power off unused systems when you leave! Thanks, wd.
read 1: *************************************************************
read no ret 1:
pollux:~ hs $
write 1: export PS1="\u@\h [\$(date +%k:%M:%S)] ttbott >"
read 1: export PS1="\u@\h [\$(date +%k:%M:%S)] ttbott >"
read 1: hs@pollux [12:21:02] ttbott >
write 0: remote_power dxr2 -l
read 0: hs@pollux [12:21:00] ttbott >remote_power dxr2 -l
read 0: dxr2 ON
read 0: hs@pollux [12:21:02] ttbott >
read no ret 1:
hs@pollux [12:21:02] ttbott >
write 1: ssh hs@lena
read 1: ssh hs@lena
read no ret 1:
hs@lena's password:
read 1:
read 1: Last login: Fri Jan 22 12:20:17 2016 from
read 1:
read no ret 1:
[hs@lena ~]$
write 1: export PS1="\u@\h [\$(date +%k:%M:%S)] ttbott >"
read 1: export PS1="\u@\h [\$(date +%k:%M:%S)] ttbott >"
read 1: hs@lena [12:21:07] ttbott >
read no ret 1:
hs@lena [12:21:07] ttbott >
write 1: stty cols 200
read 1: stty cols 200
read 1: hs@lena [12:21:08] ttbott >
write 1: export TERM=vt200
read 1: hs@lena [12:21:08] ttbott >export TERM=vt200
read 1: hs@lena [12:21:08] ttbott >
write 1: echo $COLUMNS
read 1: hs@lena [12:21:08] ttbott >echo $COLUMNS
read 1: 200
read 1: hs@lena [12:21:08] ttbott >
write 1: kermit
read 1: hs@lena [12:21:08] ttbott >kermit
read 1: C-Kermit 8.0.211, 10 Apr 2004, for Linux
read 1:
read 1: Copyright (C) 1985, 2004,
read 1: Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
read 1: Type ? or HELP for help.
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>
read 1:
read no ret 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>
write 1: set line /dev/ttyUSB0
read 1: set line /dev/ttyUSB0
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>
write 1: set speed 115200
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>set speed 115200
read 1: /dev/ttyUSB0, 115200 bps
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>
write 1: set flow-control none
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>set flow-control none
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>
write 1: set carrier-watch off
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>set carrier-watch off
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>
write 1: connect
read 1:
read 1: (/home/hs/) C-Kermit>connect
read 1: Connecting to /dev/ttyUSB0, speed 115200
read 1:
read 1: Escape character: Ctrl-\ (ASCII 28, FS): enabled
read 1:
read 1: Type the escape character followed by C to get back,
read 1:
read 1: or followed by ? to see other options.
read 1:
read 1: ----------------------------------------------------
read no ret 1:
write no ret 1:
read 1:
read 1: Heiko=Schocher
read no ret 1:
write no ret 1:
write no ret 1:
read 1: <INTERRUPT>
read 1: U-Boot#
write 1: setenv Heiko Schocher
read 1: U-Boot# setenv Heiko Schocher
read no ret 1:
write 1: printenv Heiko
read 1: printenv Heiko
read 1: Heiko=Schocher
read no ret 1:
End of TBOT: success
hs@localhost:tbot [master] $