# Rules The following applies in addition to [yude.jp Terms of Service](https://yude.jp/tos): * You can build your house / facility / etc. anywhere in the world. * Don't troll. * Don't cheat. # List of available commands * `/ll`: Switch the visibility of spawn checker. * `/mvspawn`: Teleport to spawn point of the world you're in. # Convenient functionalities ## Bulk destruction You can destroy wood logs and ore blocks at once by destroying with sneaking.\ This function is provided by [VeinMiner](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/veinminer.12038/). ## Block protection You can protect your chests, doors, furnaces, etc. by pasting sign like the image below.\ You can also create a shared block by writing the player ID across multiple lines. ![Chest Protection](/static/images/minecraft/lockette/chest.png) # Facility introduction ## Shrine (by shirachan_1204) ![Shrine](/static/images/minecraft/shrine.png) ## Iron Golem Trap (by yude & kuwazi_) ![Iron Golem Trap](/static/images/minecraft/golem_trap.png) ## Huge field (by yude & kuwazi_) ![Huge field](/static/images/minecraft/large_field.png) ## Giant sugar cane field (by yude) ![Giant sugar cane field ](/static/images/minecraft/sugarcane.png)