# firmament: 🌄 Challenge of building operating system (reffering to MikanOS) ## Setup 1. Build container on Visual Studio Code. 1. Run: `.devcontainer/init.sh` (on `/workspaces/firmament`) 1. Run: `cd ~/edk2; source edksetup.sh` ## Utils ### Build * Run: `cd ~/edk2; build` ### Make disk * Run: `sudo ~/make_disk.sh` ### Run Firmament on QEMU (uses VcXsrv; please configure it before running this) * Run: `~/run_qemu.sh` #### Configuring VcXsrv * You can refer to my `config.xlaunch` file (placed on .devcontainer/config.xlaunch). * All you need is to install VcXsrv and open `config.xlaunch` on Windows. * Please make sure allow VcXsrv connections via both private & public network in Windows Defender Firewall. ## License ### .devcontainer/ * MIT License ### LoaderPkg/ * Apache License 2.0