2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
2012-04-10 23:46:36 +09:00
from utils import *
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
class PostProcessor ( object ) :
""" Post Processor class.
PostProcessor objects can be added to downloaders with their
add_post_processor ( ) method . When the downloader has finished a
successful download , it will take its internal chain of PostProcessors
and start calling the run ( ) method on each one of them , first with
an initial argument and then with the returned value of the previous
PostProcessor .
The chain will be stopped if one of them ever returns None or the end
of the chain is reached .
PostProcessor objects follow a " mutual registration " process similar
to InfoExtractor objects .
_downloader = None
def __init__ ( self , downloader = None ) :
self . _downloader = downloader
def set_downloader ( self , downloader ) :
""" Sets the downloader for this PP. """
self . _downloader = downloader
def run ( self , information ) :
""" Run the PostProcessor.
The " information " argument is a dictionary like the ones
composed by InfoExtractors . The only difference is that this
one has an extra field called " filepath " that points to the
downloaded file .
When this method returns None , the postprocessing chain is
stopped . However , this method may return an information
dictionary that will be passed to the next postprocessing
object in the chain . It can be the one it received after
changing some fields .
In addition , this method may raise a PostProcessingError
exception that will be taken into account by the downloader
it was called from .
return information # by default, do nothing
class AudioConversionError ( BaseException ) :
def __init__ ( self , message ) :
self . message = message
class FFmpegExtractAudioPP ( PostProcessor ) :
def __init__ ( self , downloader = None , preferredcodec = None , preferredquality = None , keepvideo = False ) :
PostProcessor . __init__ ( self , downloader )
if preferredcodec is None :
preferredcodec = ' best '
self . _preferredcodec = preferredcodec
self . _preferredquality = preferredquality
self . _keepvideo = keepvideo
2012-06-01 04:03:29 +09:00
self . _exes = self . detect_executables ( )
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
2012-06-01 04:03:29 +09:00
def detect_executables ( ) :
available = { ' avprobe ' : False , ' avconv ' : False , ' ffmpeg ' : False , ' ffprobe ' : False }
for path in os . environ [ " PATH " ] . split ( os . pathsep ) :
for program in available . keys ( ) :
exe_file = os . path . join ( path , program )
if os . path . isfile ( exe_file ) and os . access ( exe_file , os . X_OK ) :
available [ program ] = exe_file
return available
def get_audio_codec ( self , path ) :
if not self . _exes [ ' ffprobe ' ] and not self . _exes [ ' avprobe ' ] : return None
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
try :
2012-06-01 04:03:29 +09:00
cmd = [ self . _exes [ ' avprobe ' ] or self . _exes [ ' ffprobe ' ] , ' -show_streams ' , ' -- ' , encodeFilename ( path ) ]
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
handle = subprocess . Popen ( cmd , stderr = file ( os . path . devnull , ' w ' ) , stdout = subprocess . PIPE )
output = handle . communicate ( ) [ 0 ]
if handle . wait ( ) != 0 :
return None
except ( IOError , OSError ) :
return None
2012-10-05 04:49:44 +09:00
codec = None
duration = None
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
for line in output . split ( ' \n ' ) :
if line . startswith ( ' codec_name= ' ) :
2012-10-05 04:49:44 +09:00
codec = line . split ( ' = ' ) [ 1 ] . strip ( )
elif line . startswith ( ' duration= ' ) :
duration = line . split ( ' = ' ) [ 1 ] . strip ( )
try :
duration = float ( duration )
except :
duration = None
elif line . strip ( ) == ' [/STREAM] ' and codec is not None :
return {
' codec ' : codec ,
' duration ' : duration
def run_ffmpeg ( self , path , out_path , codec , more_opts , duration ) :
2012-06-01 04:03:29 +09:00
if not self . _exes [ ' ffmpeg ' ] and not self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] :
2012-06-01 05:42:25 +09:00
raise AudioConversionError ( ' ffmpeg or avconv not found. Please install one. ' )
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
if codec is None :
acodec_opts = [ ]
else :
acodec_opts = [ ' -acodec ' , codec ]
2012-06-01 04:03:29 +09:00
cmd = ( [ self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] or self . _exes [ ' ffmpeg ' ] , ' -y ' , ' -i ' , encodeFilename ( path ) , ' -vn ' ]
+ acodec_opts + more_opts +
[ ' -- ' , encodeFilename ( out_path ) ] )
2012-10-05 04:49:44 +09:00
start = time . time ( )
# open process redirecting stderr to stdout
p = subprocess . Popen ( cmd , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT , close_fds = True )
import fcntl
import errno
import select
# entire captured output
p_output = ' '
# size= 765kB time=243.67 bitrate= 25.7kbits/s
reo = re . compile ( """ size= \ s*(?P<size> \ S+) # size
\stime = ( ? P < time > \S + ) # time
\sbitrate = \s * ( ? P < bitrate > [ \d \. ] + ) # bitrate
""" , re.X)
# make stdout non-blocking
fcntl . fcntl ( p . stdout . fileno ( ) , fcntl . F_SETFL , fcntl . fcntl ( p . stdout . fileno ( ) , fcntl . F_GETFL ) | os . O_NONBLOCK )
while p . poll ( ) == None :
# check if there is some output waiting
readx = select . select ( [ p . stdout . fileno ( ) ] , [ ] , [ ] ) [ 0 ]
if readx :
# got some output, read it
chunk = p . stdout . read ( )
if chunk == ' ' :
m = reo . match ( chunk )
if m :
info = m . groupdict ( )
info [ ' time ' ] = float ( info [ ' time ' ] )
# compute current position
pos = None
if duration is not None :
if info [ ' time ' ] < duration :
pos = info [ ' time ' ]
else :
pos = duration
if not self . _downloader . params . get ( ' noprogress ' , False ) :
self . _downloader . to_screen ( u ' \r [ ' + ( self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' avconv ' or ' ffmpeg ' ) + ' ] %s of %s ETA %s ' % ( self . _downloader . calc_percent ( pos , duration ) , duration , self . _downloader . calc_eta ( start , time . time ( ) , duration , pos ) ) , skip_eol = True )
self . _downloader . to_cons_title ( u ' youtube-dl - %s of %s ETA %s ' % ( self . _downloader . calc_percent ( pos , duration ) , duration , self . _downloader . calc_eta ( start , time . time ( ) , duration , pos ) ) )
time . sleep ( .1 )
if not self . _downloader . params . get ( ' noprogress ' , False ) :
self . _downloader . to_screen ( u ' ' )
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
if p . returncode != 0 :
2012-10-05 04:49:44 +09:00
msg = p_output . strip ( ) . split ( ' \n ' ) [ - 1 ]
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
raise AudioConversionError ( msg )
def run ( self , information ) :
path = information [ ' filepath ' ]
2012-10-05 04:49:44 +09:00
fileinfo = self . get_audio_codec ( path )
filecodec = fileinfo [ ' codec ' ] if fileinfo is not None else None
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
if filecodec is None :
self . _downloader . to_stderr ( u ' WARNING: unable to obtain file audio codec with ffprobe ' )
return None
more_opts = [ ]
if self . _preferredcodec == ' best ' or self . _preferredcodec == filecodec or ( self . _preferredcodec == ' m4a ' and filecodec == ' aac ' ) :
if self . _preferredcodec == ' m4a ' and filecodec == ' aac ' :
# Lossless, but in another container
acodec = ' copy '
extension = self . _preferredcodec
2012-06-01 04:03:29 +09:00
more_opts = [ self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' -bsf:a ' or ' -absf ' , ' aac_adtstoasc ' ]
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
elif filecodec in [ ' aac ' , ' mp3 ' , ' vorbis ' ] :
# Lossless if possible
acodec = ' copy '
extension = filecodec
if filecodec == ' aac ' :
more_opts = [ ' -f ' , ' adts ' ]
if filecodec == ' vorbis ' :
extension = ' ogg '
else :
# MP3 otherwise.
acodec = ' libmp3lame '
extension = ' mp3 '
more_opts = [ ]
if self . _preferredquality is not None :
2012-07-15 02:43:24 +09:00
if int ( self . _preferredquality ) < 10 :
more_opts + = [ self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' -q:a ' or ' -aq ' , self . _preferredquality ]
else :
more_opts + = [ self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' -b:a ' or ' -ab ' , self . _preferredquality ]
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
else :
# We convert the audio (lossy)
2012-10-05 04:49:44 +09:00
acodec = { ' mp3 ' : ' libmp3lame ' , ' aac ' : ' libfaac ' , ' m4a ' : ' aac ' , ' vorbis ' : ' libvorbis ' , ' wav ' : None } [ self . _preferredcodec ]
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
extension = self . _preferredcodec
more_opts = [ ]
if self . _preferredquality is not None :
2012-07-15 02:43:24 +09:00
if int ( self . _preferredquality ) < 10 :
more_opts + = [ self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' -q:a ' or ' -aq ' , self . _preferredquality ]
else :
more_opts + = [ self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' -b:a ' or ' -ab ' , self . _preferredquality ]
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
if self . _preferredcodec == ' aac ' :
more_opts + = [ ' -f ' , ' adts ' ]
if self . _preferredcodec == ' m4a ' :
2012-06-01 04:03:29 +09:00
more_opts + = [ self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' -bsf:a ' or ' -absf ' , ' aac_adtstoasc ' ]
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
if self . _preferredcodec == ' vorbis ' :
extension = ' ogg '
if self . _preferredcodec == ' wav ' :
extension = ' wav '
more_opts + = [ ' -f ' , ' wav ' ]
prefix , sep , ext = path . rpartition ( u ' . ' ) # not os.path.splitext, since the latter does not work on unicode in all setups
new_path = prefix + sep + extension
2012-07-14 21:35:57 +09:00
self . _downloader . to_screen ( u ' [ ' + ( self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' avconv ' or ' ffmpeg ' ) + ' ] Destination: ' + new_path )
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
try :
2012-10-05 04:49:44 +09:00
self . run_ffmpeg ( path , new_path , acodec , more_opts , fileinfo [ ' duration ' ] if fileinfo is not None else None )
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
except :
etype , e , tb = sys . exc_info ( )
if isinstance ( e , AudioConversionError ) :
self . _downloader . to_stderr ( u ' ERROR: audio conversion failed: ' + e . message )
else :
2012-07-14 21:35:57 +09:00
self . _downloader . to_stderr ( u ' ERROR: error running ' + ( self . _exes [ ' avconv ' ] and ' avconv ' or ' ffmpeg ' ) )
2012-03-25 10:07:37 +09:00
return None
# Try to update the date time for extracted audio file.
if information . get ( ' filetime ' ) is not None :
try :
os . utime ( encodeFilename ( new_path ) , ( time . time ( ) , information [ ' filetime ' ] ) )
except :
self . _downloader . to_stderr ( u ' WARNING: Cannot update utime of audio file ' )
if not self . _keepvideo :
try :
os . remove ( encodeFilename ( path ) )
except ( IOError , OSError ) :
self . _downloader . to_stderr ( u ' WARNING: Unable to remove downloaded video file ' )
return None
information [ ' filepath ' ] = new_path
return information