#!/bin/sh # Part of raspi-config http://github.com/asb/raspi-config # # See LICENSE file for copyright and license details if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then printf "Script must be run as root\n" exit 1 fi do_info() { whiptail --msgbox "This tool provides a straight-forward way of doing initial configuration of the Raspberry Pi. Although it can be run at any time, some of the options may have difficulties if you have heavily customised your installation." 20 60 1 } do_expand_rootfs() { # Get the starting offset of the root partition PART_START=$(parted /dev/mmcblk0 -ms unit s p | grep "^2" | cut -f 2 -d:) [ "$PART_START" ] || return 1 # Return value will likely be error for fdisk as it fails to reload the # partition table because the root fs is mounted fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 < /etc/init.d/resize2fs_once && #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: resize2fs_once # Required-Start: # Required-Stop: # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 S # Default-Stop: # Short-Description: Resize the root filesystem to fill partition # Description: ### END INIT INFO . /lib/lsb/init-functions case "$1" in start) log_daemon_msg "Starting resize2fs_once" && resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2 && rm /etc/init.d/resize2fs_once && update-rc.d resize2fs_once remove && log_end_msg $? ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 start" >&2 exit 3 ;; esac EOF chmod +x /etc/init.d/resize2fs_once && update-rc.d resize2fs_once defaults && whiptail --msgbox "Root partition has been resized.\n\ The filesystem will be enlarged upon the next reboot" 20 60 2 } # $1 is 0 to disable overscan, 1 to disable it set_overscan() { # Stop if /boot is not a mountpoint if ! mountpoint -q /boot; then return 1 fi [ -e /boot/config.txt ] || touch /boot/config.txt if [ "$1" -eq 0 ]; then # disable overscan sed /boot/config.txt -i -e "s/^overscan_/#overscan_/" if grep -q "^disable_overscan" /boot/config.txt; then sed -i /boot/config.txt -e "s/^disable_overscan.*$/disable_overscan=1/" else printf "disable_overscan=1\n" >> /boot/config.txt fi else # enable overscan sed -i /boot/config.txt -e "s/^disable_overscan.*$/disable_overscan=0/" fi } do_overscan() { whiptail --yesno "What would you like to do with overscan" 20 60 2 \ --yes-button Disable --no-button Enable RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 0 ] || [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then set_overscan $RET; else return 1 fi } do_change_pass() { whiptail --msgbox "You will now be asked to enter a new password for the pi user" 20 60 1 passwd pi && whiptail --msgbox "Password changed successfully" 20 60 1 } do_configure_keyboard() { dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration && printf "Reloading keymap. This may take a short while\n" && invoke-rc.d keyboard-setup start } do_change_locale() { dpkg-reconfigure locales } do_change_timezone() { dpkg-reconfigure tzdata } do_memory_split() { # Stop if /boot is not a mountpoint if ! mountpoint -q /boot; then return 1 fi MEMSPLIT=$(whiptail --menu "Set memory split" 20 60 10 \ "224" "224MiB for ARM, 32MiB for VideoCore" \ "192" "192MiB for ARM, 64MiB for VideoCore" \ "128" "128MiB for ARM, 128MiB for VideoCore" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then cp -a /boot/arm${MEMSPLIT}_start.elf /boot/start.elf fi } do_ssh() { whiptail --yesno "Would you like the SSH server enabled or disabled?" 20 60 2 \ --yes-button Enable --no-button Disable RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then update-rc.d ssh enable && invoke-rc.d ssh start && whiptail --msgbox "SSH server enabled" 20 60 1 elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then update-rc.d ssh disable && whiptail --msgbox "SSH server disabled" 20 60 1 else return $RET fi } do_finish() { if [ -e /etc/profile.d/raspi-config.sh ]; then rm -f /etc/profile.d/raspi-config.sh sed -i /etc/inittab \ -e "s/^#\(.*\)#\s*RPICFG_TO_ENABLE\s*/\1/" \ -e "/#\s*RPICFG_TO_DISABLE/d" telinit q fi whiptail --msgbox "Done" 20 60 1 exit 0 } while true; do FUN=$(whiptail --menu "Raspi-config" 20 80 10 --cancel-button Exit \ "info" "Information about this tool" \ "expand_rootfs" "Expand root partition to fill SD card" \ "overscan" "Change overscan" \ "configure_keyboard" "Set keyboard layout" \ "change_pass" "Change password for 'pi' user" \ "change_locale" "Set locale" \ "change_timezone" "Set timezone" \ "memory_split" "Change memory split" \ "ssh" "Enable or disable ssh server" \ "finish" "Finish config and don't start raspi-config at boot" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; else "do_$FUN" || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running do_$FUN" 20 60 1 fi done