#!/bin/sh # Part of raspi-config https://github.com/RPi-Distro/raspi-config # # See LICENSE file for copyright and license details INTERACTIVE=True ASK_TO_REBOOT=0 BLACKLIST=/etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf CONFIG=/boot/config.txt USER=${SUDO_USER:-$(who -m | awk '{ print $1 }')} is_pi () { ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture) if [ "$ARCH" = "armhf" ] || [ "$ARCH" = "arm64" ] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } if is_pi ; then CMDLINE=/boot/cmdline.txt else CMDLINE=/proc/cmdline fi is_pione() { if grep -q "^Revision\s*:\s*00[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]$" /proc/cpuinfo; then return 0 elif grep -q "^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]0[0-36][0-9a-fA-F]$" /proc/cpuinfo ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } is_pitwo() { grep -q "^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]04[0-9a-fA-F]$" /proc/cpuinfo return $? } is_pizero() { grep -q "^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]0[9cC][0-9a-fA-F]$" /proc/cpuinfo return $? } is_pifour() { grep -q "^Revision\s*:\s*[ 123][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]3[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]$" /proc/cpuinfo return $? } get_pi_type() { if is_pione; then echo 1 elif is_pitwo; then echo 2 else echo 0 fi } is_live() { grep -q "boot=live" $CMDLINE return $? } is_ssh() { if pstree -p | egrep --quiet --extended-regexp ".*sshd.*\($$\)"; then return 0 else return 1 fi } is_fkms() { if grep -s -q okay /proc/device-tree/soc/v3d@7ec00000/status \ /proc/device-tree/soc/firmwarekms@7e600000/status \ /proc/device-tree/v3dbus/v3d@7ec04000/status; then return 0 else return 1 fi } is_installed() { if [ "$(dpkg -l "$1" 2> /dev/null | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" != "ii" ]; then return 1 else return 0 fi } deb_ver () { ver=`cat /etc/debian_version | cut -d . -f 1` echo $ver } calc_wt_size() { # NOTE: it's tempting to redirect stderr to /dev/null, so supress error # output from tput. However in this case, tput detects neither stdout or # stderr is a tty and so only gives default 80, 24 values WT_HEIGHT=18 WT_WIDTH=$(tput cols) if [ -z "$WT_WIDTH" ] || [ "$WT_WIDTH" -lt 60 ]; then WT_WIDTH=80 fi if [ "$WT_WIDTH" -gt 178 ]; then WT_WIDTH=120 fi WT_MENU_HEIGHT=$(($WT_HEIGHT-7)) } do_about() { whiptail --msgbox "\ This tool provides a straight-forward way of doing initial configuration of the Raspberry Pi. Although it can be run at any time, some of the options may have difficulties if you have heavily customised your installation.\ " 20 70 1 } get_can_expand() { ROOT_PART="$(findmnt / -o source -n)" ROOT_DEV="/dev/$(lsblk -no pkname "$ROOT_PART")" PART_NUM="$(echo "$ROOT_PART" | grep -o "[[:digit:]]*$")" if [ "$PART_NUM" -ne 2 ]; then echo 1 exit fi LAST_PART_NUM=$(parted "$ROOT_DEV" -ms unit s p | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d:) if [ "$LAST_PART_NUM" -ne "$PART_NUM" ]; then echo 1 exit fi echo 0 } do_expand_rootfs() { ROOT_PART="$(findmnt / -o source -n)" ROOT_DEV="/dev/$(lsblk -no pkname "$ROOT_PART")" PART_NUM="$(echo "$ROOT_PART" | grep -o "[[:digit:]]*$")" # NOTE: the NOOBS partition layout confuses parted. For now, let's only # agree to work with a sufficiently simple partition layout if [ "$PART_NUM" -ne 2 ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Your partition layout is not currently supported by this tool. You are probably using NOOBS, in which case your root filesystem is already expanded anyway." 20 60 2 return 0 fi LAST_PART_NUM=$(parted "$ROOT_DEV" -ms unit s p | tail -n 1 | cut -f 1 -d:) if [ $LAST_PART_NUM -ne $PART_NUM ]; then whiptail --msgbox "$ROOT_PART is not the last partition. Don't know how to expand" 20 60 2 return 0 fi # Get the starting offset of the root partition PART_START=$(parted "$ROOT_DEV" -ms unit s p | grep "^${PART_NUM}" | cut -f 2 -d: | sed 's/[^0-9]//g') [ "$PART_START" ] || return 1 # Return value will likely be error for fdisk as it fails to reload the # partition table because the root fs is mounted fdisk "$ROOT_DEV" < /etc/init.d/resize2fs_once && #!/bin/sh ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: resize2fs_once # Required-Start: # Required-Stop: # Default-Start: 3 # Default-Stop: # Short-Description: Resize the root filesystem to fill partition # Description: ### END INIT INFO . /lib/lsb/init-functions case "\$1" in start) log_daemon_msg "Starting resize2fs_once" && resize2fs "$ROOT_PART" && update-rc.d resize2fs_once remove && rm /etc/init.d/resize2fs_once && log_end_msg \$? ;; *) echo "Usage: \$0 start" >&2 exit 3 ;; esac EOF chmod +x /etc/init.d/resize2fs_once && update-rc.d resize2fs_once defaults && if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Root partition has been resized.\nThe filesystem will be enlarged upon the next reboot" 20 60 2 fi } set_config_var() { lua - "$1" "$2" "$3" < "$3.bak" local key=assert(arg[1]) local value=assert(arg[2]) local fn=assert(arg[3]) local file=assert(io.open(fn)) local made_change=false for line in file:lines() do if line:match("^#?%s*"..key.."=.*$") then line=key.."="..value made_change=true end print(line) end if not made_change then print(key.."="..value) end EOF mv "$3.bak" "$3" } clear_config_var() { lua - "$1" "$2" < "$2.bak" local key=assert(arg[1]) local fn=assert(arg[2]) local file=assert(io.open(fn)) for line in file:lines() do if line:match("^%s*"..key.."=.*$") then line="#"..line end print(line) end EOF mv "$2.bak" "$2" } get_config_var() { lua - "$1" "$2" <> /etc/issue STATUS=disabled else return "$RET" fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Screen blanking is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_pixdub() { if is_pi && ! is_fkms; then FBW=$(get_config_var framebuffer_width $CONFIG) if [ $FBW -eq 0 ]; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi else if grep -q 'scale 0.5x0.5' /usr/share/dispsetup.sh ; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi fi } is_number() { case $1 in ''|*[!0-9]*) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } do_pixdub() { DEFAULT=--defaultno CURRENT=0 if [ $(get_pixdub) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= CURRENT=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like to enable pixel doubling?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if is_pi && ! is_fkms; then if [ $RET -eq 0 ] ; then XVAL=$(xrandr 2>&1 | grep current | cut -f2 -d, | cut -f3 -d' ') YVAL=$(xrandr 2>&1 | grep current | cut -f2 -d, | cut -f5 -d' ') if is_number $XVAL || is_number $YVAL ; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Could not read current screen dimensions - unable to enable pixel doubling" 20 60 1 fi return 1 fi NEWX=`expr $XVAL / 2` NEWY=`expr $YVAL / 2` set_config_var framebuffer_width $NEWX $CONFIG set_config_var framebuffer_height $NEWY $CONFIG set_config_var scaling_kernel 8 $CONFIG STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then clear_config_var framebuffer_width $CONFIG clear_config_var framebuffer_height $CONFIG clear_config_var scaling_kernel $CONFIG STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi else if [ $RET -eq 0 ] ; then if [ -e /usr/share/dispsetup.sh ] ; then rm /usr/share/dispsetup.sh fi echo '#!/bin/sh' > /usr/share/dispsetup.sh DEV=$(xrandr | grep -w connected | cut -f1 -d' ') for item in $DEV do echo xrandr --output $item --scale 0.5x0.5 --filter nearest >> /usr/share/dispsetup.sh done STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then if [ -e /usr/share/dispsetup.sh ] ; then rm /usr/share/dispsetup.sh fi echo '#!/bin/sh' > /usr/share/dispsetup.sh echo 'exit 0' >> /usr/share/dispsetup.sh STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi chmod a+x /usr/share/dispsetup.sh fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENT ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Pixel doubling is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } do_change_pass() { whiptail --msgbox "You will now be asked to enter a new password for the $USER user" 20 60 1 passwd $USER && whiptail --msgbox "Password changed successfully" 20 60 1 } do_configure_keyboard() { printf "Reloading keymap. This may take a short while\n" if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration else local KEYMAP="$1" sed -i /etc/default/keyboard -e "s/^XKBLAYOUT.*/XKBLAYOUT=\"$KEYMAP\"/" dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive keyboard-configuration fi invoke-rc.d keyboard-setup start setsid sh -c 'exec setupcon -k --force <> /dev/tty1 >&0 2>&1' udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=input --action=change return 0 } do_change_locale() { if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then dpkg-reconfigure locales else local LOCALE="$1" if ! LOCALE_LINE="$(grep "^$LOCALE " /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED)"; then return 1 fi local ENCODING="$(echo $LOCALE_LINE | cut -f2 -d " ")" echo "$LOCALE $ENCODING" > /etc/locale.gen sed -i "s/^\s*LANG=\S*/LANG=$LOCALE/" /etc/default/locale dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive locales fi } do_change_timezone() { if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then dpkg-reconfigure tzdata else local TIMEZONE="$1" if [ ! -f "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$TIMEZONE" ]; then return 1; fi rm /etc/localtime echo "$TIMEZONE" > /etc/timezone dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata fi } get_wifi_country() { CODE=${1:-0} IFACE="$(list_wlan_interfaces | head -n 1)" if [ -z "$IFACE" ]; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "No wireless interface found" 20 60 fi return 1 fi if ! wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" status > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Could not communicate with wpa_supplicant" 20 60 fi return 1 fi wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" save_config > /dev/null 2>&1 COUNTRY="$(wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" get country)" if [ "$COUNTRY" = "FAIL" ]; then return 1 fi if [ $CODE = 0 ]; then echo "$COUNTRY" fi return 0 } do_wifi_country() { IFACE="$(list_wlan_interfaces | head -n 1)" if [ -z "$IFACE" ]; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "No wireless interface found" 20 60 fi return 1 fi if ! wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" status > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Could not communicate with wpa_supplicant" 20 60 fi return 1 fi oIFS="$IFS" if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then IFS="/" value=$(cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/iso3166.tab | tail -n +26 | tr '\t' '/' | tr '\n' '/') COUNTRY=$(whiptail --menu "Select the country in which the Pi is to be used" 20 60 10 ${value} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) IFS=$oIFS else COUNTRY=$1 true fi if [ $? -eq 0 ];then wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" set country "$COUNTRY" wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" save_config > /dev/null 2>&1 if ! iw reg set "$COUNTRY" 2> /dev/null; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if hash rfkill 2> /dev/null; then rfkill unblock wifi if is_pi ; then for filename in /var/lib/systemd/rfkill/*:wlan ; do echo 0 > $filename done fi fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Wireless LAN country set to $COUNTRY" 20 60 1 fi fi } get_hostname() { cat /etc/hostname | tr -d " \t\n\r" } do_hostname() { if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "\ Please note: RFCs mandate that a hostname's labels \ may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' (case-insensitive), the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen. Hostname labels cannot begin or end with a hyphen. No other symbols, punctuation characters, or blank spaces are permitted.\ " 20 70 1 fi CURRENT_HOSTNAME=`cat /etc/hostname | tr -d " \t\n\r"` if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then NEW_HOSTNAME=$(whiptail --inputbox "Please enter a hostname" 20 60 "$CURRENT_HOSTNAME" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else NEW_HOSTNAME=$1 true fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $NEW_HOSTNAME > /etc/hostname sed -i "s/*$CURRENT_HOSTNAME/\t$NEW_HOSTNAME/g" /etc/hosts ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi } do_memory_split() { # Memory Split if [ -e /boot/start_cd.elf ]; then # New-style memory split setting ## get current memory split from /boot/config.txt arm=$(vcgencmd get_mem arm | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d 'M' -f 1) gpu=$(vcgencmd get_mem gpu | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d 'M' -f 1) tot=$(($arm+$gpu)) if [ $tot -gt 512 ]; then CUR_GPU_MEM=$(get_config_var gpu_mem_1024 $CONFIG) elif [ $tot -gt 256 ]; then CUR_GPU_MEM=$(get_config_var gpu_mem_512 $CONFIG) else CUR_GPU_MEM=$(get_config_var gpu_mem_256 $CONFIG) fi if [ -z "$CUR_GPU_MEM" ] || [ $CUR_GPU_MEM = "0" ]; then CUR_GPU_MEM=$(get_config_var gpu_mem $CONFIG) fi [ -z "$CUR_GPU_MEM" ] || [ $CUR_GPU_MEM = "0" ] && CUR_GPU_MEM=64 ## ask users what gpu_mem they want if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then NEW_GPU_MEM=$(whiptail --inputbox "How much memory (MB) should the GPU have? e.g. 16/32/64/128/256" \ 20 70 -- "$CUR_GPU_MEM" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else NEW_GPU_MEM=$1 true fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ $(get_config_var gpu_mem_1024 $CONFIG) != "0" ] || [ $(get_config_var gpu_mem_512 $CONFIG) != "0" ] || [ $(get_config_var gpu_mem_256 $CONFIG) != "0" ]; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Device-specific memory settings were found. These have been cleared." 20 60 2 fi clear_config_var gpu_mem_1024 $CONFIG clear_config_var gpu_mem_512 $CONFIG clear_config_var gpu_mem_256 $CONFIG fi set_config_var gpu_mem "$NEW_GPU_MEM" $CONFIG ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi else # Old firmware so do start.elf renaming get_current_memory_split MEMSPLIT=$(whiptail --menu "Set memory split.\n$MEMSPLIT_DESCRIPTION" 20 60 10 \ "240" "240MiB for ARM, 16MiB for VideoCore" \ "224" "224MiB for ARM, 32MiB for VideoCore" \ "192" "192MiB for ARM, 64MiB for VideoCore" \ "128" "128MiB for ARM, 128MiB for VideoCore" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then set_memory_split ${MEMSPLIT} ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi fi } get_current_memory_split() { AVAILABLE_SPLITS="128 192 224 240" MEMSPLIT_DESCRIPTION="" for SPLIT in $AVAILABLE_SPLITS;do if [ -e /boot/arm${SPLIT}_start.elf ] && cmp /boot/arm${SPLIT}_start.elf /boot/start.elf >/dev/null 2>&1;then CURRENT_MEMSPLIT=$SPLIT MEMSPLIT_DESCRIPTION="Current: ${CURRENT_MEMSPLIT}MiB for ARM, $((256 - $CURRENT_MEMSPLIT))MiB for VideoCore" break fi done } set_memory_split() { cp -a /boot/arm${1}_start.elf /boot/start.elf sync } do_overclock() { if ! is_pione && ! is_pitwo; then whiptail --msgbox "Only Pi 1 or Pi 2 can be overclocked with this tool." 20 60 2 return 1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "\ Be aware that overclocking may reduce the lifetime of your Raspberry Pi. If overclocking at a certain level causes system instability, try a more modest overclock. Hold down shift during boot to temporarily disable overclock. See https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/config-txt/overclocking.md for more information.\ " 20 70 1 if is_pione; then OVERCLOCK=$(whiptail --menu "Choose overclock preset" 20 60 10 \ "None" "700MHz ARM, 250MHz core, 400MHz SDRAM, 0 overvolt" \ "Modest" "800MHz ARM, 250MHz core, 400MHz SDRAM, 0 overvolt" \ "Medium" "900MHz ARM, 250MHz core, 450MHz SDRAM, 2 overvolt" \ "High" "950MHz ARM, 250MHz core, 450MHz SDRAM, 6 overvolt" \ "Turbo" "1000MHz ARM, 500MHz core, 600MHz SDRAM, 6 overvolt" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) elif is_pitwo; then OVERCLOCK=$(whiptail --menu "Choose overclock preset" 20 60 10 \ "None" "900MHz ARM, 250MHz core, 450MHz SDRAM, 0 overvolt" \ "High" "1000MHz ARM, 500MHz core, 500MHz SDRAM, 2 overvolt" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) fi else OVERCLOCK=$1 true fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then case "$OVERCLOCK" in None) clear_overclock ;; Modest) set_overclock Modest 800 250 400 0 ;; Medium) set_overclock Medium 900 250 450 2 ;; High) if is_pione; then set_overclock High 950 250 450 6 else set_overclock High 1000 500 500 2 fi ;; Turbo) set_overclock Turbo 1000 500 600 6 ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error, unrecognised overclock preset" 20 60 2 return 1 ;; esac ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi } set_overclock() { set_config_var arm_freq $2 $CONFIG && set_config_var core_freq $3 $CONFIG && set_config_var sdram_freq $4 $CONFIG && set_config_var over_voltage $5 $CONFIG && if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Set overclock to preset '$1'" 20 60 2 fi } clear_overclock () { clear_config_var arm_freq $CONFIG && clear_config_var core_freq $CONFIG && clear_config_var sdram_freq $CONFIG && clear_config_var over_voltage $CONFIG && if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Set overclock to preset 'None'" 20 60 2 fi } get_ssh() { if service ssh status | grep -q inactive; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } do_ssh() { if [ -e /var/log/regen_ssh_keys.log ] && ! grep -q "^finished" /var/log/regen_ssh_keys.log; then whiptail --msgbox "Initial ssh key generation still running. Please wait and try again." 20 60 2 return 1 fi DEFAULT=--defaultno if [ $(get_ssh) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno \ "Would you like the SSH server to be enabled?\n\nCaution: Default and weak passwords are a security risk when SSH is enabled!" \ $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then ssh-keygen -A && update-rc.d ssh enable && invoke-rc.d ssh start && STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then update-rc.d ssh disable && invoke-rc.d ssh stop && STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The SSH server is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_vnc() { if systemctl status vncserver-x11-serviced.service | grep -q -w active; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } do_vnc() { DEFAULT=--defaultno if [ $(get_vnc) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the VNC Server to be enabled?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then if is_installed realvnc-vnc-server || apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server; then systemctl enable vncserver-x11-serviced.service && systemctl start vncserver-x11-serviced.service && STATUS=enabled else return 1 fi elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then if is_installed realvnc-vnc-server; then systemctl disable vncserver-x11-serviced.service systemctl stop vncserver-x11-serviced.service fi STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The VNC Server is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_spi() { if grep -q -E "^(device_tree_param|dtparam)=([^,]*,)*spi(=(on|true|yes|1))?(,.*)?$" $CONFIG; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } do_spi() { DEFAULT=--defaultno if [ $(get_spi) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the SPI interface to be enabled?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then SETTING=on STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then SETTING=off STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi set_config_var dtparam=spi $SETTING $CONFIG && if ! [ -e $BLACKLIST ]; then touch $BLACKLIST fi sed $BLACKLIST -i -e "s/^\(blacklist[[:space:]]*spi[-_]bcm2708\)/#\1/" dtparam spi=$SETTING if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The SPI interface is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_i2c() { if grep -q -E "^(device_tree_param|dtparam)=([^,]*,)*i2c(_arm)?(=(on|true|yes|1))?(,.*)?$" $CONFIG; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } do_i2c() { DEFAULT=--defaultno if [ $(get_i2c) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the ARM I2C interface to be enabled?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then SETTING=on STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then SETTING=off STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi set_config_var dtparam=i2c_arm $SETTING $CONFIG && if ! [ -e $BLACKLIST ]; then touch $BLACKLIST fi sed $BLACKLIST -i -e "s/^\(blacklist[[:space:]]*i2c[-_]bcm2708\)/#\1/" sed /etc/modules -i -e "s/^#[[:space:]]*\(i2c[-_]dev\)/\1/" if ! grep -q "^i2c[-_]dev" /etc/modules; then printf "i2c-dev\n" >> /etc/modules fi dtparam i2c_arm=$SETTING modprobe i2c-dev if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The ARM I2C interface is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_serial() { if grep -q -E "console=(serial0|ttyAMA0|ttyS0)" $CMDLINE ; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } get_serial_hw() { if grep -q -E "^enable_uart=1" $CONFIG ; then echo 0 elif grep -q -E "^enable_uart=0" $CONFIG ; then echo 1 elif [ -e /dev/serial0 ] ; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } do_serial() { DEFAULTS=--defaultno DEFAULTH=--defaultno CURRENTS=0 CURRENTH=0 if [ $(get_serial) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULTS= CURRENTS=1 fi if [ $(get_serial_hw) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULTH= CURRENTH=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like a login shell to be accessible over serial?" $DEFAULTS 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENTS ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then if grep -q "console=ttyAMA0" $CMDLINE ; then if [ -e /proc/device-tree/aliases/serial0 ]; then sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/console=ttyAMA0/console=serial0/" fi elif ! grep -q "console=ttyAMA0" $CMDLINE && ! grep -q "console=serial0" $CMDLINE ; then if [ -e /proc/device-tree/aliases/serial0 ]; then sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/root=/console=serial0,115200 root=/" else sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/root=/console=ttyAMA0,115200 root=/" fi fi set_config_var enable_uart 1 $CONFIG SSTATUS=enabled HSTATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ] || [ $RET -eq 2 ]; then sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/console=ttyAMA0,[0-9]\+ //" sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/console=serial0,[0-9]\+ //" SSTATUS=disabled if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled?" $DEFAULTH 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$((2-$RET)) fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENTH ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then set_config_var enable_uart 1 $CONFIG HSTATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then set_config_var enable_uart 0 $CONFIG HSTATUS=disabled else return $RET fi else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The serial login shell is $SSTATUS\nThe serial interface is $HSTATUS" 20 60 1 fi } disable_raspi_config_at_boot() { if [ -e /etc/profile.d/raspi-config.sh ]; then rm -f /etc/profile.d/raspi-config.sh if [ -e /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/raspi-config-override.conf ]; then rm /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/raspi-config-override.conf fi telinit q fi } get_boot_cli() { if systemctl get-default | grep -q multi-user ; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } get_autologin() { if [ $(get_boot_cli) -eq 0 ]; then # booting to CLI # stretch or buster - is there an autologin conf file? if [ -e /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf ] ; then echo 0 else # stretch or earlier - check the getty service symlink for autologin if [ $(deb_ver) -le 9 ] && grep -q autologin /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service ; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi fi else # booting to desktop - check the autologin for lightdm if grep -q "^autologin-user=" /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi fi } get_pi4video () { if grep -q "^hdmi_enable_4kp60=1" $CONFIG ; then echo 1 elif grep -q "^enable_tvout=1" $CONFIG ; then echo 2 else echo 0 fi } do_pi4video() { if ! is_pifour ; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "This option can only be used on a Pi 4" 20 60 1 fi return 1 fi CURRENT=$(get_pi4video) if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then VIDOPT=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Pi 4 Video Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT \ "V1 Enable 4Kp60 HDMI" "Enable 4Kp60 resolution on HDMI0 (disables analog)" \ "V2 Enable analog TV output" "Enable composite video output (disables 4Kp60)" \ "V3 Disable both 4Kp60 and analog" "Disable 4Kp60 HDMI and composite video" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else VIDOPT=$1 true fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then case "$VIDOPT" in V1*) sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^#\?hdmi_enable_4kp60=.*/hdmi_enable_4kp60=1/" sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^enable_tvout=/#enable_tvout=/" if ! grep -q "hdmi_enable_4kp60" $CONFIG ; then sed $CONFIG -i -e "\$ahdmi_enable_4kp60=1" fi STATUS="4Kp60 HDMI enabled" OPT=1 ;; V2*) sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^#\?enable_tvout=.*/enable_tvout=1/" sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^hdmi_enable_4kp60=/#hdmi_enable_4kp60=/" if ! grep -q "enable_tvout" $CONFIG ; then sed $CONFIG -i -e "\$aenable_tvout=1" fi STATUS="analog TV enabled" OPT=2 ;; V3*) sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^hdmi_enable_4kp60=/#hdmi_enable_4kp60=/" sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^enable_tvout=/#enable_tvout=/" STATUS="4K and analog disabled" OPT=0 ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error, unrecognised video option" 20 60 2 return 1 ;; esac if [ $OPT -ne $CURRENT ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Pi 4 video output option is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi fi } get_leds () { if grep -q "\\[actpwr\\]" /sys/class/leds/led0/trigger ; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } do_leds() { DEFAULT=--defaultno CURRENT=0 if [ $(get_leds) -eq 1 ]; then DEFAULT= CURRENT=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the power LED to flash during disk activity?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then LEDSET="actpwr" STATUS="flash for disk activity" elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then LEDSET="default-on" STATUS="be on constantly" else return $RET fi sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/dtparam=act_led_trigger=.*/dtparam=act_led_trigger=$LEDSET/" if ! grep -q "dtparam=act_led_trigger" $CONFIG ; then sed $CONFIG -i -e "\$adtparam=act_led_trigger=$LEDSET" fi echo $LEDSET | tee /sys/class/leds/led0/trigger > /dev/null if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The power LED will $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } do_boot_behaviour() { if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then BOOTOPT=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Boot Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT \ "B1 Console" "Text console, requiring user to login" \ "B2 Console Autologin" "Text console, automatically logged in as '$USER' user" \ "B3 Desktop" "Desktop GUI, requiring user to login" \ "B4 Desktop Autologin" "Desktop GUI, automatically logged in as '$USER' user" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else BOOTOPT=$1 true fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then case "$BOOTOPT" in B1*) systemctl set-default multi-user.target ln -fs /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service rm /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf ;; B2*) systemctl set-default multi-user.target ln -fs /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service cat > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf << EOF [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin $USER --noclear %I \$TERM EOF ;; B3*) if [ -e /etc/init.d/lightdm ]; then systemctl set-default graphical.target ln -fs /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service rm /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf sed /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf -i -e "s/^autologin-user=.*/#autologin-user=/" disable_raspi_config_at_boot else whiptail --msgbox "Do 'sudo apt-get install lightdm' to allow configuration of boot to desktop" 20 60 2 return 1 fi ;; B4*) if [ -e /etc/init.d/lightdm ]; then systemctl set-default graphical.target ln -fs /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/getty@tty1.service cat > /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf << EOF [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin $USER --noclear %I \$TERM EOF sed /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf -i -e "s/^\(#\|\)autologin-user=.*/autologin-user=$USER/" disable_raspi_config_at_boot else whiptail --msgbox "Do 'sudo apt-get install lightdm' to allow configuration of boot to desktop" 20 60 2 return 1 fi ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error, unrecognised boot option" 20 60 2 return 1 ;; esac ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi } do_boot_order() { if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then BOOTOPT=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Boot Device Order" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT \ "B1 USB Boot" "Boot from USB device if SD card boot fails" \ "B2 Network Boot" "Boot from network if SD card boot fails" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else BOOTOPT=$1 true fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then CURDATE=$(date -d "`vcgencmd bootloader_version | head -n 1`" +%Y%m%d) FILNAME="none" if grep -q "stable" /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update ; then EEPATH="/lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/stable/pieeprom*.bin" else EEPATH="/lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/critical/pieeprom*.bin" fi for filename in $EEPATH ; do FILDATE=$(date -d "`echo $filename | cut -d - -f 2- | cut -d . -f 1`" +%Y%m%d) if [ $FILDATE -eq $CURDATE ]; then FILNAME=$filename fi done if [ "$FILNAME" = "none" ]; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "No EEPROM bin file found for version `date -d $CURDATE +%Y-%m-%d` - aborting" 20 60 2 fi return 1 fi EECFG=$(mktemp) vcgencmd bootloader_config > $EECFG sed $EECFG -i -e "/SD_BOOT_MAX_RETRIES/d" sed $EECFG -i -e "/NET_BOOT_MAX_RETRIES/d" case "$BOOTOPT" in B1*) if ! grep -q "BOOT_ORDER" $EECFG ; then sed $EECFG -i -e "\$a[all]\nBOOT_ORDER=0xf41" else sed $EECFG -i -e "s/^BOOT_ORDER=.*/BOOT_ORDER=0xf41/" fi STATUS="USB device" ;; B2*) if ! grep -q "BOOT_ORDER" $EECFG ; then sed $EECFG -i -e "\$a[all]\nBOOT_ORDER=0xf21" else sed $EECFG -i -e "s/^BOOT_ORDER=.*/BOOT_ORDER=0xf21/" fi STATUS="Network" ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error, unrecognised boot option" 20 60 2 return 1 ;; esac EEBIN=$(mktemp) rpi-eeprom-config --config $EECFG --out $EEBIN $FILNAME rpi-eeprom-update -d -f $EEBIN ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "$STATUS is default boot device" 20 60 1 fi fi } do_boot_rom() { if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then BOOTOPT=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Boot ROM Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT \ "E1 Latest" "Use the latest version boot ROM software" \ "E2 Default" "Use the factory default boot ROM software" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else BOOTOPT=$1 true fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then case "$BOOTOPT" in E1*) sed /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update -i -e "s/^FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS.*/FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS=\"stable\"/" EETYPE="Latest version" ;; E2*) sed /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update -i -e "s/^FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS.*/FIRMWARE_RELEASE_STATUS=\"critical\"/" EETYPE="Factory default" ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error, unrecognised boot ROM option" 20 60 2 return 1 ;; esac if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "$EETYPE boot ROM selected - will be loaded at next reboot.\n\nReset boot ROM to defaults?" 20 60 2 DEFAULTS=$? else DEFAULTS=$2 fi if [ "$DEFAULTS" -eq 0 ]; then # yes if grep -q "stable" /etc/default/rpi-eeprom-update ; then EEPATH="/lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/stable/" else EEPATH="/lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader/critical/" fi MATCH=".*/pieeprom-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9].bin" FILNAME="$(find "${EEPATH}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -size 524288c -regex "${MATCH}" | sort -r | head -n1)" if [ -z "$FILNAME" ]; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "No EEPROM bin file found - cannot reset to defaults" 20 60 2 fi else rpi-eeprom-update -d -f $FILNAME if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Boot ROM reset to defaults" 20 60 2 fi fi else rpi-eeprom-update if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Boot ROM not reset to defaults" 20 60 2 fi fi ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi } get_boot_wait() { if test -e /etc/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service.d/wait.conf; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } do_boot_wait() { DEFAULT=--defaultno if [ $(get_boot_wait) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like boot to wait until a network connection is established?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service.d/ cat > /etc/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service.d/wait.conf << EOF [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/lib/dhcpcd5/dhcpcd -q -w EOF STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then rm -f /etc/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service.d/wait.conf STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Waiting for network on boot is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_boot_splash() { if is_pi ; then if grep -q "splash" $CMDLINE ; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi else if grep -q "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.*splash" /etc/default/grub ; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi fi } do_boot_splash() { if [ ! -e /usr/share/plymouth/themes/pix/pix.script ]; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The splash screen is not installed so cannot be activated" 20 60 2 fi return 1 fi DEFAULT=--defaultno if [ $(get_boot_splash) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like to show the splash screen at boot?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then if is_pi ; then if ! grep -q "splash" $CMDLINE ; then sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/$/ quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles/" fi else sed -i /etc/default/grub -e "s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\(.*\)\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\1 quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles\"/" sed -i /etc/default/grub -e "s/ \+/ /g" sed -i /etc/default/grub -e "s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\" /GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"/" update-grub fi STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then if is_pi ; then if grep -q "splash" $CMDLINE ; then sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/ quiet//" sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/ splash//" sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/ plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles//" fi else sed -i /etc/default/grub -e "s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\(.*\)quiet\(.*\)\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\1\2\"/" sed -i /etc/default/grub -e "s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\(.*\)splash\(.*\)\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\1\2\"/" sed -i /etc/default/grub -e "s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\(.*\)plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles\(.*\)\"/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\1\2\"/" sed -i /etc/default/grub -e "s/ \+/ /g" sed -i /etc/default/grub -e "s/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\" /GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"/" update-grub fi STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Splash screen at boot is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_rgpio() { if test -e /etc/systemd/system/pigpiod.service.d/public.conf; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } do_rgpio() { DEFAULT=--defaultno if [ $(get_rgpio) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the GPIO server to be accessible over the network?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/pigpiod.service.d/ cat > /etc/systemd/system/pigpiod.service.d/public.conf << EOF [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/pigpiod EOF STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then rm -f /etc/systemd/system/pigpiod.service.d/public.conf STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi systemctl daemon-reload if systemctl -q is-enabled pigpiod ; then systemctl restart pigpiod fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Remote access to the GPIO server is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_camera() { CAM=$(get_config_var start_x $CONFIG) if [ $CAM -eq 1 ]; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } do_camera() { if [ ! -e /boot/start_x.elf ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Your firmware appears to be out of date (no start_x.elf). Please update" 20 60 2 return 1 fi sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^startx/#startx/" sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^fixup_file/#fixup_file/" DEFAULT=--defaultno CURRENT=0 if [ $(get_camera) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= CURRENT=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the camera interface to be enabled?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENT ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then set_config_var start_x 1 $CONFIG CUR_GPU_MEM=$(get_config_var gpu_mem $CONFIG) if [ -z "$CUR_GPU_MEM" ] || [ "$CUR_GPU_MEM" -lt 128 ]; then set_config_var gpu_mem 128 $CONFIG fi STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then set_config_var start_x 0 $CONFIG sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^start_file/#start_file/" STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The camera interface is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_onewire() { if grep -q -E "^dtoverlay=w1-gpio" $CONFIG; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } do_onewire() { DEFAULT=--defaultno CURRENT=0 if [ $(get_onewire) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= CURRENT=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the one-wire interface to be enabled?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENT ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^#dtoverlay=w1-gpio/dtoverlay=w1-gpio/" if ! grep -q -E "^dtoverlay=w1-gpio" $CONFIG; then printf "dtoverlay=w1-gpio\n" >> $CONFIG fi STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^dtoverlay=w1-gpio/#dtoverlay=w1-gpio/" STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The one-wire interface is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } do_gldriver() { if [ ! -e /boot/overlays/vc4-kms-v3d.dtbo ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Driver and kernel not present on your system. Please update" 20 60 2 return 1 fi for package in gldriver-test libgl1-mesa-dri; do if [ "$(dpkg -l "$package" 2> /dev/null | tail -n 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" != "ii" ]; then missing_packages="$package $missing_packages" fi done if [ -n "$missing_packages" ] && ! apt-get install $missing_packages; then whiptail --msgbox "Required packages not found, please install: ${missing_packages}" 20 60 2 return 1 fi if is_pifour ; then GLOPT=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "GL Driver" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT \ "G1 Legacy" "Original non-GL desktop driver" \ "G2 GL (Fake KMS)" "OpenGL desktop driver with fake KMS" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else GLOPT=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "GL Driver" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT \ "G1 Legacy" "Original non-GL desktop driver" \ "G2 GL (Fake KMS)" "OpenGL desktop driver with fake KMS" \ "G3 GL (Full KMS)" "OpenGL desktop driver with full KMS" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then case "$GLOPT" in G1*) if is_pifour ; then if grep -q -E "^dtoverlay=vc4-f?kms-v3d" $CONFIG; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi else if sed -n "/\[pi4\]/,/\[/ !p" $CONFIG | grep -q -E "^dtoverlay=vc4-f?kms-v3d" ; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi fi sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d/#dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d/g" sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d/#dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d/g" STATUS="The GL driver is disabled." ;; G2*) if is_pifour ; then if ! grep -q -E "^dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d" $CONFIG; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi else if ! sed -n "/\[pi4\]/,/\[/ !p" $CONFIG | grep -q "^dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d" ; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi fi sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d/#dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d/g" sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^#dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d/dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d/g" if ! sed -n "/\[pi4\]/,/\[/ !p" $CONFIG | grep -q "^dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d" ; then printf "[all]\ndtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d\n" >> $CONFIG fi STATUS="The fake KMS GL driver is enabled." ;; G3*) if ! sed -n "/\[pi4\]/,/\[/ !p" $CONFIG | grep -q "^dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" ; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d/#dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d/g" sed $CONFIG -i -e "s/^#dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d/dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d/g" if ! sed -n "/\[pi4\]/,/\[/ !p" $CONFIG | grep -q "^dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" ; then printf "[all]\ndtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d\n" >> $CONFIG fi STATUS="The full KMS GL driver is enabled." ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error, unrecognised boot option" 20 60 2 return 1 ;; esac else return 0 fi whiptail --msgbox "$STATUS" 20 60 1 } do_xcompmgr() { DEFAULT=--defaultno CURRENT=0 if [ -e /etc/xdg/autostart/xcompmgr.desktop ]; then DEFAULT= CURRENT=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the xcompmgr composition manager to be enabled?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENT ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then if [ ! -e /usr/bin/xcompmgr ] ; then apt-get -y install xcompmgr fi cat << EOF > /etc/xdg/autostart/xcompmgr.desktop [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=xcompmgr Comment=Start xcompmgr compositor NoDisplay=true Exec=/usr/lib/raspi-config/cmstart.sh EOF STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then if [ -e /etc/xdg/autostart/xcompmgr.desktop ]; then rm /etc/xdg/autostart/xcompmgr.desktop fi STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The xcompmgr composition manager is $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } get_net_names() { if grep -q "net.ifnames=0" $CMDLINE || [ "$(readlink -f /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link)" = "/dev/null" ] ; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi } do_net_names () { DEFAULT=--defaultno CURRENT=0 if [ $(get_net_names) -eq 0 ]; then DEFAULT= CURRENT=1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like to enable predictable network interface names?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENT ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then sed -i $CMDLINE -e "s/net.ifnames=0 *//" rm -f /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link STATUS=enabled elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then ln -sf /dev/null /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link STATUS=disabled else return $RET fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Predictable network interface names are $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } do_update() { apt-get update && apt-get install raspi-config && printf "Sleeping 5 seconds before reloading raspi-config\n" && sleep 5 && exec raspi-config } do_audio() { if aplay -l | grep -q "bcm2835 ALSA"; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then AUDIO_OUT=$(whiptail --menu "Choose the audio output" 20 60 10 \ "0" "Auto" \ "1" "Force 3.5mm ('headphone') jack" \ "2" "Force HDMI" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else AUDIO_OUT=$1 fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then amixer cset numid=3 "$AUDIO_OUT" fi else ASPATH=$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d : -f 6)/.asoundrc if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then CARD0=$(LC_ALL=C aplay -l | grep bcm2835 | grep "card 0" | cut -d [ -f 3 | cut -d ] -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) CARD1=$(LC_ALL=C aplay -l | grep bcm2835 | grep "card 1" | cut -d [ -f 3 | cut -d ] -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) CARD2=$(LC_ALL=C aplay -l | grep bcm2835 | grep "card 2" | cut -d [ -f 3 | cut -d ] -f 1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) if ! [ -z "$CARD2" ]; then AUDIO_OUT=$(whiptail --menu "Choose the audio output" 20 60 10 \ "0" "$CARD0" \ "1" "$CARD1" \ "2" "$CARD2" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) elif ! [ -z "$CARD1" ]; then AUDIO_OUT=$(whiptail --menu "Choose the audio output" 20 60 10 \ "0" "$CARD0" \ "1" "$CARD1" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) elif ! [ -z "$CARD0" ]; then AUDIO_OUT=$(whiptail --menu "Choose the audio output" 20 60 10 \ "0" "$CARD0" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else whiptail --msgbox "No internal audio devices found" 20 60 1 false fi else AUDIO_OUT=$1 fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then cat << EOF > $ASPATH pcm.!default { type asym playback.pcm { type plug slave.pcm "output" } capture.pcm { type plug slave.pcm "input" } } pcm.output { type hw card $AUDIO_OUT } ctl.!default { type hw card $AUDIO_OUT } EOF fi fi } do_resolution() { if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then CMODE=$(get_config_var hdmi_mode $CONFIG) CGROUP=$(get_config_var hdmi_group $CONFIG) if [ $CMODE -eq 0 ] ; then CSET="Default" elif [ $CGROUP -eq 2 ] ; then CSET="DMT Mode "$CMODE else CSET="CEA Mode "$CMODE fi oIFS="$IFS" IFS="/" if tvservice -d /dev/null | grep -q Nothing ; then value="Default/720x480/DMT Mode 4/640x480 60Hz 4:3/DMT Mode 9/800x600 60Hz 4:3/DMT Mode 16/1024x768 60Hz 4:3/DMT Mode 85/1280x720 60Hz 16:9/DMT Mode 35/1280x1024 60Hz 5:4/DMT Mode 51/1600x1200 60Hz 4:3/DMT Mode 82/1920x1080 60Hz 16:9/" else value="Default/Monitor preferred resolution/" value=$value$(tvservice -m CEA | grep progressive | cut -b 12- | sed 's/mode \([0-9]\+\): \([0-9]\+\)x\([0-9]\+\) @ \([0-9]\+\)Hz \([0-9]\+\):\([0-9]\+\), clock:[0-9]\+MHz progressive/CEA Mode \1\/\2x\3 \4Hz \5:\6/' | tr '\n' '/') value=$value$(tvservice -m DMT | grep progressive | cut -b 12- | sed 's/mode \([0-9]\+\): \([0-9]\+\)x\([0-9]\+\) @ \([0-9]\+\)Hz \([0-9]\+\):\([0-9]\+\), clock:[0-9]\+MHz progressive/DMT Mode \1\/\2x\3 \4Hz \5:\6/' | tr '\n' '/') fi RES=$(whiptail --default-item $CSET --menu "Choose screen resolution" 20 60 10 ${value} 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) STATUS=$? IFS=$oIFS if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ] ; then GRS=$(echo "$RES" | cut -d ' ' -f 1) MODE=$(echo "$RES" | cut -d ' ' -f 3) if [ $GRS = "Default" ] ; then MODE=0 elif [ $GRS = "DMT" ] ; then GROUP=2 else GROUP=1 fi fi else GROUP=$1 MODE=$2 STATUS=0 fi if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then if [ $MODE -eq 0 ]; then clear_config_var hdmi_force_hotplug $CONFIG clear_config_var hdmi_group $CONFIG clear_config_var hdmi_mode $CONFIG else set_config_var hdmi_force_hotplug 1 $CONFIG set_config_var hdmi_group $GROUP $CONFIG set_config_var hdmi_mode $MODE $CONFIG fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then if [ $MODE -eq 0 ] ; then whiptail --msgbox "The resolution is set to default" 20 60 1 else whiptail --msgbox "The resolution is set to $GRS mode $MODE" 20 60 1 fi fi if [ $MODE -eq 0 ] ; then TSET="Default" elif [ $GROUP -eq 2 ] ; then TSET="DMT Mode "$MODE else TSET="CEA Mode "$MODE fi if [ "$TSET" != "$CSET" ] ; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi fi } list_wlan_interfaces() { for dir in /sys/class/net/*/wireless; do if [ -d "$dir" ]; then basename "$(dirname "$dir")" fi done } do_wifi_ssid_passphrase() { RET=0 IFACE_LIST="$(list_wlan_interfaces)" IFACE="$(echo "$IFACE_LIST" | head -n 1)" if [ -z "$IFACE" ]; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "No wireless interface found" 20 60 fi return 1 fi if ! wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" status > /dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Could not communicate with wpa_supplicant" 20 60 fi return 1 fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ] && [ -z "$(get_wifi_country)" ]; then do_wifi_country fi SSID="$1" while [ -z "$SSID" ] && [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; do SSID=$(whiptail --inputbox "Please enter SSID" 20 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 0 elif [ -z "$SSID" ]; then whiptail --msgbox "SSID cannot be empty. Please try again." 20 60 fi done PASSPHRASE="$2" while [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; do PASSPHRASE=$(whiptail --passwordbox "Please enter passphrase. Leave it empty if none." 20 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 0 else break fi done # Escape special characters for embedding in regex below local ssid="$(echo "$SSID" \ | sed 's;\\;\\\\;g' \ | sed -e 's;\.;\\\.;g' \ -e 's;\*;\\\*;g' \ -e 's;\+;\\\+;g' \ -e 's;\?;\\\?;g' \ -e 's;\^;\\\^;g' \ -e 's;\$;\\\$;g' \ -e 's;\/;\\\/;g' \ -e 's;\[;\\\[;g' \ -e 's;\];\\\];g' \ -e 's;{;\\{;g' \ -e 's;};\\};g' \ -e 's;(;\\(;g' \ -e 's;);\\);g' \ -e 's;";\\\\\";g')" wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" list_networks \ | tail -n +2 | cut -f -2 | grep -P "\t$ssid$" | cut -f1 \ | while read ID; do wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" remove_network "$ID" > /dev/null 2>&1 done ID="$(wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" add_network)" wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" set_network "$ID" ssid "\"$SSID\"" 2>&1 | grep -q "OK" RET=$((RET + $?)) if [ -z "$PASSPHRASE" ]; then wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" set_network "$ID" key_mgmt NONE 2>&1 | grep -q "OK" RET=$((RET + $?)) else wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" set_network "$ID" psk "\"$PASSPHRASE\"" 2>&1 | grep -q "OK" RET=$((RET + $?)) fi if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" enable_network "$ID" > /dev/null 2>&1 else wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" remove_network "$ID" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Failed to set SSID or passphrase" 20 60 fi fi wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" save_config > /dev/null 2>&1 echo "$IFACE_LIST" | while read IFACE; do wpa_cli -i "$IFACE" reconfigure > /dev/null 2>&1 done return $RET } do_finish() { disable_raspi_config_at_boot if [ $ASK_TO_REBOOT -eq 1 ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like to reboot now?" 20 60 2 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # yes sync reboot fi fi exit 0 } # $1 = filename, $2 = key name get_json_string_val() { sed -n -e "s/^[[:space:]]*\"$2\"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*\"\(.*\)\"[[:space:]]*,$/\1/p" $1 } # TODO: This is probably broken do_apply_os_config() { [ -e /boot/os_config.json ] || return 0 NOOBSFLAVOUR=$(get_json_string_val /boot/os_config.json flavour) NOOBSLANGUAGE=$(get_json_string_val /boot/os_config.json language) NOOBSKEYBOARD=$(get_json_string_val /boot/os_config.json keyboard) if [ -n "$NOOBSFLAVOUR" ]; then printf "Setting flavour to %s based on os_config.json from NOOBS. May take a while\n" "$NOOBSFLAVOUR" printf "Unrecognised flavour. Ignoring\n" fi # TODO: currently ignores en_gb settings as we assume we are running in a # first boot context, where UK English settings are default case "$NOOBSLANGUAGE" in "en") if [ "$NOOBSKEYBOARD" = "gb" ]; then DEBLANGUAGE="" # UK english is the default, so ignore else DEBLANGUAGE="en_US.UTF-8" fi ;; "de") DEBLANGUAGE="de_DE.UTF-8" ;; "fi") DEBLANGUAGE="fi_FI.UTF-8" ;; "fr") DEBLANGUAGE="fr_FR.UTF-8" ;; "hu") DEBLANGUAGE="hu_HU.UTF-8" ;; "ja") DEBLANGUAGE="ja_JP.UTF-8" ;; "nl") DEBLANGUAGE="nl_NL.UTF-8" ;; "pt") DEBLANGUAGE="pt_PT.UTF-8" ;; "ru") DEBLANGUAGE="ru_RU.UTF-8" ;; "zh_CN") DEBLANGUAGE="zh_CN.UTF-8" ;; *) printf "Language '%s' not handled currently. Run sudo raspi-config to set up" "$NOOBSLANGUAGE" ;; esac if [ -n "$DEBLANGUAGE" ]; then printf "Setting language to %s based on os_config.json from NOOBS. May take a while\n" "$DEBLANGUAGE" do_change_locale "$DEBLANGUAGE" fi if [ -n "$NOOBSKEYBOARD" -a "$NOOBSKEYBOARD" != "gb" ]; then printf "Setting keyboard layout to %s based on os_config.json from NOOBS. May take a while\n" "$NOOBSKEYBOARD" do_configure_keyboard "$NOOBSKEYBOARD" fi return 0 } get_overlay_now() { grep -q "boot=overlay" /proc/cmdline } get_overlay_conf() { grep -q "boot=overlay" /boot/cmdline.txt } get_bootro_now() { findmnt /boot | grep -q " ro," } get_bootro_conf() { grep /boot /etc/fstab | grep -q "defaults.*,ro " } is_uname_current() { test -d "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)" return $? } enable_overlayfs() { KERN=$(uname -r) INITRD=initrd.img-"$KERN"-overlay # mount the boot partition as writable if it isn't already if get_bootro_now ; then if ! mount -o remount,rw /boot 2>/dev/null ; then echo "Unable to mount boot partition as writable - cannot enable" return 1 fi BOOTRO=yes else BOOTRO=no fi cat > /etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/overlay << 'EOF' # Local filesystem mounting -*- shell-script -*- # # This script overrides local_mount_root() in /scripts/local # and mounts root as a read-only filesystem with a temporary (rw) # overlay filesystem. # . /scripts/local local_mount_root() { local_top local_device_setup "${ROOT}" "root file system" ROOT="${DEV}" # Get the root filesystem type if not set if [ -z "${ROOTFSTYPE}" ]; then FSTYPE=$(get_fstype "${ROOT}") else FSTYPE=${ROOTFSTYPE} fi local_premount # CHANGES TO THE ORIGINAL FUNCTION BEGIN HERE # N.B. this code still lacks error checking modprobe ${FSTYPE} checkfs ${ROOT} root "${FSTYPE}" # Create directories for root and the overlay mkdir /lower /upper # Mount read-only root to /lower if [ "${FSTYPE}" != "unknown" ]; then mount -r -t ${FSTYPE} ${ROOTFLAGS} ${ROOT} /lower else mount -r ${ROOTFLAGS} ${ROOT} /lower fi modprobe overlay || insmod "/lower/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs/overlayfs/overlay.ko" # Mount a tmpfs for the overlay in /upper mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /upper mkdir /upper/data /upper/work # Mount the final overlay-root in $rootmnt mount -t overlay \ -olowerdir=/lower,upperdir=/upper/data,workdir=/upper/work \ overlay ${rootmnt} } EOF # add the overlay to the list of modules if ! grep overlay /etc/initramfs-tools/modules > /dev/null; then echo overlay >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules fi # build the new initramfs update-initramfs -c -k "$KERN" # rename it so we know it has overlay added mv /boot/initrd.img-"$KERN" /boot/"$INITRD" # there is now a modified initramfs ready for use... # modify config.txt sed -i /boot/config.txt -e "/initramfs.*/d" echo initramfs "$INITRD" >> /boot/config.txt # modify command line if ! grep -q "boot=overlay" /boot/cmdline.txt ; then sed -i /boot/cmdline.txt -e "s/^/boot=overlay /" fi if [ "$BOOTRO" = "yes" ] ; then if ! mount -o remount,ro /boot 2>/dev/null ; then echo "Unable to remount boot partition as read-only" fi fi } disable_overlayfs() { KERN=$(uname -r) # mount the boot partition as writable if it isn't already if get_bootro_now ; then if ! mount -o remount,rw /boot 2>/dev/null ; then echo "Unable to mount boot partition as writable - cannot disable" return 1 fi BOOTRO=yes else BOOTRO=no fi # modify config.txt sed -i /boot/config.txt -e "/initramfs.*/d" update-initramfs -d -k "${KERN}-overlay" # modify command line sed -i /boot/cmdline.txt -e "s/\(.*\)boot=overlay \(.*\)/\1\2/" if [ "$BOOTRO" = "yes" ] ; then if ! mount -o remount,ro /boot 2>/dev/null ; then echo "Unable to remount boot partition as read-only" fi fi } enable_bootro() { if get_overlay_now ; then echo "Overlay in use; cannot update fstab" return 1 fi sed -i /etc/fstab -e "s/\(.*\/boot.*\)defaults\(.*\)/\1defaults,ro\2/" } disable_bootro() { if get_overlay_now ; then echo "Overlay in use; cannot update fstab" return 1 fi sed -i /etc/fstab -e "s/\(.*\/boot.*\)defaults,ro\(.*\)/\1defaults\2/" } do_overlayfs() { DEFAULT=--defaultno CURRENT=0 STATUS="disabled" if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ] && ! is_uname_current; then whiptail --msgbox "Could not find modules for the running kernel ($(uname -r))." 20 60 1 return 1 fi if get_overlay_conf; then DEFAULT= CURRENT=1 STATUS="enabled" fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the overlay file system to be enabled?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENT ]; then if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then if enable_overlayfs; then STATUS="enabled" ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 else STATUS="unchanged" fi elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then if disable_overlayfs; then STATUS="disabled" ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 else STATUS="unchanged" fi else return $RET fi fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The overlay file system is $STATUS." 20 60 1 fi if get_overlay_now ; then if get_bootro_conf; then BPRO="read-only" else BPRO="writable" fi whiptail --msgbox "The boot partition is currently $BPRO. This cannot be changed while an overlay file system is enabled." 20 60 1 else DEFAULT=--defaultno CURRENT=0 STATUS="writable" if get_bootro_conf; then DEFAULT= CURRENT=1 STATUS="read-only" fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --yesno "Would you like the boot partition to be write-protected?" $DEFAULT 20 60 2 RET=$? else RET=$1 fi if [ $RET -eq $CURRENT ]; then if [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then if enable_bootro; then STATUS="read-only" ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 else STATUS="unchanged" fi elif [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then if disable_bootro; then STATUS="writable" ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 else STATUS="unchanged" fi else return $RET fi fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "The boot partition is $STATUS." 20 60 1 fi fi } get_proxy() { SCHEME="$1" VAR_NAME="${SCHEME}_proxy" if [ -f /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh fi eval "echo \$$VAR_NAME" } do_proxy() { SCHEMES="$1" ADDRESS="$2" if [ "$SCHEMES" = "all" ]; then CURRENT="$(get_proxy http)" SCHEMES="http https ftp rsync" else CURRENT="$(get_proxy "$SCHEMES")" fi if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then if [ "$SCHEMES" = "no" ]; then STRING="Please enter a comma separated list of addresses that should be excluded from using proxy servers.\\nEg: localhost,,localaddress,.localdomain.com" else STRING="Please enter proxy address.\\nEg: http://user:pass@proxy:8080" fi if ! ADDRESS="$(whiptail --inputbox "$STRING" 20 60 "$CURRENT" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)"; then return 0 fi fi for SCHEME in $SCHEMES; do unset "${SCHEME}_proxy" CURRENT="$(get_proxy "$SCHEME")" if [ "$CURRENT" != "$ADDRESS" ]; then ASK_TO_REBOOT=1 fi if [ -f /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh ]; then sed -i "/^export ${SCHEME}_/Id" /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh fi if [ "${SCHEME#*http}" != "$SCHEME" ]; then if [ -f /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy ]; then sed -i "/::${SCHEME}::Proxy/d" /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy fi fi if [ -z "$ADDRESS" ]; then STATUS=cleared continue fi STATUS=updated SCHEME_UPPER="$(echo "$SCHEME" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')" echo "export ${SCHEME_UPPER}_PROXY=\"$ADDRESS\"" >> /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh if [ "$SCHEME" != "rsync" ]; then echo "export ${SCHEME}_proxy=\"$ADDRESS\"" >> /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh fi if [ "${SCHEME#*http}" != "$SCHEME" ]; then echo "Acquire::$SCHEME::Proxy \"$ADDRESS\";" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy fi done if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then whiptail --msgbox "Proxy settings $STATUS" 20 60 1 fi } nonint() { "$@" } # # Command line options for non-interactive use # for i in $* do case $i in --memory-split) OPT_MEMORY_SPLIT=GET printf "Not currently supported\n" exit 1 ;; --memory-split=*) OPT_MEMORY_SPLIT=`echo $i | sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` printf "Not currently supported\n" exit 1 ;; --expand-rootfs) INTERACTIVE=False do_expand_rootfs printf "Please reboot\n" exit 0 ;; --apply-os-config) INTERACTIVE=False do_apply_os_config exit $? ;; nonint) INTERACTIVE=False "$@" exit $? ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac done #if [ "GET" = "${OPT_MEMORY_SPLIT:-}" ]; then # set -u # Fail on unset variables # get_current_memory_split # echo $CURRENT_MEMSPLIT # exit 0 #fi # Everything else needs to be run as root if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then printf "Script must be run as root. Try 'sudo raspi-config'\n" exit 1 fi if [ -n "${OPT_MEMORY_SPLIT:-}" ]; then set -e # Fail when a command errors set_memory_split "${OPT_MEMORY_SPLIT}" exit 0 fi do_internationalisation_menu() { FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Localisation Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Back --ok-button Select \ "I1 Change Locale" "Set up language and regional settings to match your location" \ "I2 Change Time Zone" "Set up time zone to match your location" \ "I3 Change Keyboard Layout" "Set the keyboard layout to match your keyboard" \ "I4 Change WLAN Country" "Set the legal channels used in your country" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then case "$FUN" in I1\ *) do_change_locale ;; I2\ *) do_change_timezone ;; I3\ *) do_configure_keyboard ;; I4\ *) do_wifi_country ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error: unrecognized option" 20 60 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" 20 60 1 fi } do_interface_menu() { FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Interfacing Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Back --ok-button Select \ "P1 Camera" "Enable/Disable connection to the Raspberry Pi Camera" \ "P2 SSH" "Enable/Disable remote command line access to your Pi using SSH" \ "P3 VNC" "Enable/Disable graphical remote access to your Pi using RealVNC" \ "P4 SPI" "Enable/Disable automatic loading of SPI kernel module" \ "P5 I2C" "Enable/Disable automatic loading of I2C kernel module" \ "P6 Serial" "Enable/Disable shell and kernel messages on the serial connection" \ "P7 1-Wire" "Enable/Disable one-wire interface" \ "P8 Remote GPIO" "Enable/Disable remote access to GPIO pins" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then case "$FUN" in P1\ *) do_camera ;; P2\ *) do_ssh ;; P3\ *) do_vnc ;; P4\ *) do_spi ;; P5\ *) do_i2c ;; P6\ *) do_serial ;; P7\ *) do_onewire ;; P8\ *) do_rgpio ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error: unrecognized option" 20 60 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" 20 60 1 fi } do_advanced_menu() { FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Advanced Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Back --ok-button Select \ "A1 Expand Filesystem" "Ensures that all of the SD card storage is available to the OS" \ "A2 Overscan" "You may need to configure overscan if black bars are present on display" \ "A3 Memory Split" "Change the amount of memory made available to the GPU" \ "A4 Audio" "Force audio out through HDMI or 3.5mm jack" \ "A5 Resolution" "Set a specific screen resolution" \ "A6 Screen Blanking" "Enable/Disable screen blanking" \ "A7 Pixel Doubling" "Enable/Disable 2x2 pixel mapping" \ "A8 GL Driver" "Enable/Disable experimental desktop GL driver" \ "A9 Compositor" "Enable/Disable xcompmgr composition manager" \ "AA Pi 4 Video Output" "Video output options for Pi 4" \ "AB Overlay FS" "Enable/Disable read-only file system" \ "AC Power LED" "Set behaviour of power LED on Pi Zero" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then case "$FUN" in A1\ *) do_expand_rootfs ;; A2\ *) do_overscan ;; A3\ *) do_memory_split ;; A4\ *) do_audio ;; A5\ *) do_resolution ;; A6\ *) do_blanking ;; A7\ *) do_pixdub ;; A8\ *) do_gldriver ;; A9\ *) do_xcompmgr ;; AA\ *) do_pi4video ;; AB\ *) do_overlayfs ;; AC\ *) do_leds ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error: unrecognized option" 20 60 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" 20 60 1 fi } do_boot_menu() { if is_live ; then FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Boot Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Back --ok-button Select \ "B1 Desktop / CLI" "Choose whether to boot into a desktop environment or the command line" \ "B2 Wait for Network at Boot" "Choose whether to wait for network connection during boot" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) elif is_pifour ; then FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Boot Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Back --ok-button Select \ "B1 Desktop / CLI" "Choose whether to boot into a desktop environment or the command line" \ "B2 Wait for Network at Boot" "Choose whether to wait for network connection during boot" \ "B3 Splash Screen" "Choose graphical splash screen or text boot" \ "B4 Boot Order" "Choose network or USB device boot" \ "B5 Boot ROM Version" "Select latest or default boot ROM software" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Boot Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Back --ok-button Select \ "B1 Desktop / CLI" "Choose whether to boot into a desktop environment or the command line" \ "B2 Wait for Network at Boot" "Choose whether to wait for network connection during boot" \ "B3 Splash Screen" "Choose graphical splash screen or text boot" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) fi RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then case "$FUN" in B1\ *) do_boot_behaviour ;; B2\ *) do_boot_wait ;; B3\ *) do_boot_splash ;; B4\ *) do_boot_order ;; B5\ *) do_boot_rom ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error: unrecognized option" 20 60 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" 20 60 1 fi } do_network_menu() { FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Network Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Back --ok-button Select \ "N1 Hostname" "Set the visible name for this Pi on a network" \ "N2 Wireless LAN" "Enter SSID and passphrase" \ "N3 Network interface names" "Enable/Disable predictable network interface names" \ "N4 Network proxy settings" "Configure network proxy settings" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then case "$FUN" in N1\ *) do_hostname ;; N2\ *) do_wifi_ssid_passphrase ;; N3\ *) do_net_names ;; N4\ *) do_proxy_menu ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error: unrecognized option" 20 60 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" 20 60 1 fi } do_proxy_menu() { FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Network Proxy Settings" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Back --ok-button Select \ "P1 All" "Set the same proxy for all schemes" \ "P2 HTTP" "Set the HTTP proxy" \ "P3 HTTPS" "Set the HTTPS/SSL proxy" \ "P4 FTP" "Set the FTP proxy" \ "P5 RSYNC" "Set the RSYNC proxy" \ "P6 Exceptions" "Set addresses for which a proxy server should not be used" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then return 0 elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then case "$FUN" in P1\ *) do_proxy all ;; P2\ *) do_proxy http ;; P3\ *) do_proxy https ;; P4\ *) do_proxy ftp ;; P5\ *) do_proxy rsync ;; P6\ *) do_proxy no;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error: unrecognized option" 20 60 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" 20 60 1 fi } # # Interactive use loop # if [ "$INTERACTIVE" = True ]; then [ -e $CONFIG ] || touch $CONFIG calc_wt_size while [ "$USER" = "root" ] || [ -z "$USER" ]; do if ! USER=$(whiptail --inputbox "raspi-config could not determine the default user.\\n\\nWhat user should these settings apply to?" 20 60 pi 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3); then return 0 fi done while true; do if is_pi ; then FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --backtitle "$(cat /proc/device-tree/model)" --menu "Setup Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Finish --ok-button Select \ "1 Change User Password" "Change password for the '$USER' user" \ "2 Network Options" "Configure network settings" \ "3 Boot Options" "Configure options for start-up" \ "4 Localisation Options" "Set up language and regional settings to match your location" \ "5 Interfacing Options" "Configure connections to peripherals" \ "6 Overclock" "Configure overclocking for your Pi" \ "7 Advanced Options" "Configure advanced settings" \ "8 Update" "Update this tool to the latest version" \ "9 About raspi-config" "Information about this configuration tool" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) else FUN=$(whiptail --title "Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)" --menu "Setup Options" $WT_HEIGHT $WT_WIDTH $WT_MENU_HEIGHT --cancel-button Finish --ok-button Select \ "1 Change User Password" "Change password for the '$USER' user" \ "2 Network Options" "Configure network settings" \ "3 Boot Options" "Configure options for start-up" \ "4 Localisation Options" "Set up language and regional settings to match your location" \ "5 SSH" "Enable/Disable remote command line access to your PC using SSH" \ "8 Update" "Update this tool to the latest version" \ "9 About raspi-config" "Information about this configuration tool" \ 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3) fi RET=$? if [ $RET -eq 1 ]; then do_finish elif [ $RET -eq 0 ]; then if is_pi ; then case "$FUN" in 1\ *) do_change_pass ;; 2\ *) do_network_menu ;; 3\ *) do_boot_menu ;; 4\ *) do_internationalisation_menu ;; 5\ *) do_interface_menu ;; 6\ *) do_overclock ;; 7\ *) do_advanced_menu ;; 8\ *) do_update ;; 9\ *) do_about ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error: unrecognized option" 20 60 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" 20 60 1 else case "$FUN" in 1\ *) do_change_pass ;; 2\ *) do_network_menu ;; 3\ *) do_boot_menu ;; 4\ *) do_internationalisation_menu ;; 5\ *) do_ssh ;; 8\ *) do_update ;; 9\ *) do_about ;; *) whiptail --msgbox "Programmer error: unrecognized option" 20 60 1 ;; esac || whiptail --msgbox "There was an error running option $FUN" 20 60 1 fi else exit 1 fi done fi